Pieck Finger

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Since Pieck's hands were cuffed, the authorities had to keep her standing by gripping her forearms.

They led through a prison hallway, on each side were the cells. Much like the movies; the criminals and villains alike jeered at her and the cops leading her.

Pieck could care less.

The maze of hallways grew to much for Pieck's six-year-old brain to even attempt remembering.

Finally, they reached their destination.

Which was a door.

Inside, it was an interrogation room.

Even though she was a minor, the guards still placed her onto the chair roughly, then they left without much of a glance.

So, Pieck waited...

... And waited...

... And waited...

Until the door opened, and entered non other than the number one ranking hero.

He entered the room with an awkward stiffness in his walk.

Pieck wanted to smile, despite All Might showing confidence in abundance whenever they had fought in the past, it appeared that he was similiar to an antisocial teenager whenever in direct confrontation off of the battlefield.

He sat down on the chair across from her, and cleared his throat awkwardly.

There was a pregnant silence that followed.

A silence that hinted that many secretes shall be told and made in this room.

Pieck hated silence.

"Sooooo..." She drawled, leaning back. "What do you want, old timer, with me?" Pieck tried to make the tense atmosphere a little lighter.

It didn't work.

In fact, All Might seemed to lose his awkwardness, and grew more serious.

"Miss Finger-"

"That's Lady Finger to you." Pieck corrected without missing a beat.

All Might's eyes widened only a fraction, it wasn't often that he was cut off.

He cleared his throat a second time today.

" 'Lady' Finger," Pieck smiled at her first victory against the hero, "-do you know how bad your situation is?"

Pieck wanted to frown, but didn't.

"... How bad is it?"

All Might pulled a file case seemingly out of nowhere, but Pieck knew he pulled it out from under the table.

He opened the file. While from Pieck's point of view, she saw it upside down, she could see who the file was for.

It was all the information the government had on her.

From what she could see though, it was literally a paragraph.

It seems that Theo's attempts at hiding her paper trail had been successful.

All Might's face creased into a frown.

"As you can see: We don't have much information on you, and we would like to rectify this."

He got a ball-point pen from one of the many pockets on his suit, also a notepad.

"All I'm going to do is ask you some questions, you're going to answer them in turn." He spoke like he was talking to a six-year-old (which he was), and not somebody who had literally put him in a hospital bed.

Pieck decided that she should probably apoligise for that.

"First: Do you have any family relations?" If All Might had thought about it more carefully, he would have realised that he shouldn't probably use such big words while talking to the six-year-old.

Yet Pieck answered without a hitch (All Might did notice the hesitation in her eyes when she heard the word 'family').

All Might was silent afterwards.

"... I see." He did not.

"Pieck, if I was to be completely honest with you, I would say that your future is not looking so bright. But if you could at least tell me the reason why you where working for Theo Magath-" All MIght's trained eyes noticed the way she flinched when his name was mentioned "-you might be pardoned by the authorities."

Pieck's hands  turned into fists, and went went white from the amount of pressure she used while gripping.

She couldn't tell them her reason, she wasn't ready to tell that part of her life yet, for now she would use an excuse. But what?

It clicked.

She gazed at All Might with a sudden determination.            

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