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Welcome to the world of Lux Elmrose and her 'men'. Yes, plural. The Paramore books are about her love for four very special males. In my book series: The Skylar Rains, which is a four book fantasy series I have been writing for many years now, Lux Elmrose falls in love with four 'aliens'. Or Rainers as they are called in my series. There will be some words that won't make sense since they are specific to this world, yet this won't pose a big problem in understanding the love stories.

I have cut all of them up in separate books to tell each love story. All characters are very close to my heart and have been with me for ten years now. You might see an evolution in writing style, since I have been at this for so long now. The last two books are not yet finished, the first two are almost finished, but I just couldn't wait to receive some feedback on these characters. I love them so much, I hope you do too.

UPDATE: Figment of Dreams (the complete book with all four Paramore miniseries in it, is now up on my profile. I will be uploading new chapters each week).

A few key words that might come in handy and a few points about the leading roles:


Caros: Planet where they live

Rivellin: City where the college they are studying in resides

Telvice: the cellphones of this world


Lux Elmrose: Human, had to evacuate earth with her current boyfriend Kai (a Rainer, Paramore) and former best friend Jax ( a Rainer, Paramore).

Asher Briareve and his twin brother Oak Briareve: Rainers, Paramores.

Skylark Briareve: little sister and best friend of Lux: Rainer.

Sebastian Barrington: Rainer, Paramore.

Dominic – Dosch - Rios: Rainer, Son of the biggest Mob Boss of Caros.

Andrew Ko: Rainer, Bodyguard of the other biggest Mob Boss of Caros: Vincent Orion. (Book two of the Skylar Rains and onwards).

Other Books in this series:

Important: you don't need to read them in order, they can be read seperately.

The White Dragon: Asher Briareve Central

The Enemy: Sebastian Barrington Central

The Mafioso: Dominic Rios Central

The Bodyguard: Andrew Ko Central

Please let me know what you like and if you like anything. It would be greatly appreciated!I wish you a happy reading and for better understanding I suggest you read all four of them.

(I might post the two finished Skylar Rains books on here somewhere and if not I hope to one day release them as a books.)

Paramore Series: The White Dragon (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now