Trouble (1)

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'What about the other football team. Why is everyone so scared of them?' I popped another orange grape in my mouth. All the fruits of earth were here but somehow they all had wrong colors. They also had way more flavor. Olive and Skylark exchanged tense glances. I knew something was up considering all the talk of the last weeks had been about the game. Sebastian wasn't really a big football fan, but even he was talking about the 'bastards' from the other college.

'What?' I said. They were clearly hiding something and I didn't like it. 'You two sure know how to build the tension...' I popped another one in. Skylark sipped from her lemon juice and stared at the forest before answering. The three of us had a free period between our late afternoon classes and were sitting on the Terrace of the Cafeteria. The day was sunny and bright, life was good right now.

'There was this... incident when they played last year... it wasn't all that pretty.'

'Really? What happened?'

'A fight had broken out and... somebody was hurt so badly he is still in a coma to this day...'

I nearly choked on my grape.

'What?' I yelped. 'Who fought?'

'The Dornatill team instigated it... but... their linebacker got injured pretty badly.'

I felt like there was some other piece of information they were hiding from me.

'By whom? Somebody I know?'

Skylark glanced threateningly at Olive, who was oddly silent throughout all of this.

'Who?' I asked again.

Olive sighed. 'Your boyfriend.'

'Sebastian?' I screeched. Oh my god, I always knew he had a screw loose but this was beyond anything I thought he was capable of.

'No...not Sebastian.' Olive got a harsh look from Skylark again. 'Ash.'

This made me do a double take. 'What? No way....'

'My brother was provoked.' Said Sky solemnly. 'He had not ill intent, he is just a very strong guy.'

'Who teaches defense class. The attorneys said he would be trialed worse because of his skill in fighting. They believe it was his duty to know the impact of his punches. They are considered lethal weapons.'

Olive and Sky were definitely not agreeing and I was on Sky's side. Yes, Ash was a big old grunt sometimes and could be verbally aggressive. But I don't see him hurting anyone beyond what they deserved. 'He is still on trial? Why didn't I know that?'

As we left the table to go to our Fae studies class I realized that Olive had just referred to Ash as my boyfriend.

Paramore Series: The White Dragon (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz