Chapter 1: Truth or Dare

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I was still confuse on what just happened...

-Flashback to just now-

"Truth or dare?" "Dare" "Confess to Sir Luhan," "What?"I asked in shocked. "Confess to-" "What do you mean by confess?" I cut her off before she even have the chance to finish her sentence. "Just tell him that you like him,"Miyoung said. "Do you know that it's against the school rules?" I asked. "Hey don't you know that most of the female students in our school has confess to him?" She said. "But-" "What if he accept your confession?"She cut me off saying out my thoughts. I just noded. "That won't happen because until now the girls who had confess to him was rejected,'She said. "There's no way for me to say no... Ottoke, I shouldn't had ask for a dare,' I thought to myself. "Palli go and confess" the others rush me. "B-but..." "Just shut your mouth and go..."Miyoung told me.

As I was walking towards Sir Luhan's office I was thinking.... 'Aish... I seriously regret on playing this... Ottoke....' When I reached Sir Luhan's room, I was still thinking, 'Should I go? Or should I don't go.... Aish... Just go in you'll just get rejected by him... Think positive Park Hyejin.... Fighting!' At last I decided to go in and accept the dare. I knocked the door and waited for response. "Come in" I heard him response. I took a deep breathe and open the door. I went in and I saw him doing his work, he then glance at me for a moment and went back focus to his work. "Sir Luhan, umm...." I started. "Yes..."he said still focus to his work. "Umm... I-I like you, Sir Luhan..." At last I told him and now I just need to wait for him to reject me. But everything turns upside down... "Bwo? Repeat," he said this time looking at me. "Umm... I-I just... J-just don't care whatever I said just now..." I said slightly running from his question. But then, Sir Luhan stood up and went near me. He told something that I couldn't believe, "I'll date you if you keep this a secret" I was shocked. "What?" "Hello, you come and confess to me and I accepted what do you mean by what? Don't you want me to date you???" he said. "Oh, umm nothing I didn't mean anything"

-End of Flashback-

I am seriously confuse, there's many question in my mind...

ONE:Why did he rejected many girls before me?

TWO: Why did he accepted my confession?

THREE: Why must I be the one?

AND LASTLY: It's just a game but why did it turn out to be something different than I thought?

Oh why must it be me??? Ottoke???

As I reached class, I went to my table. Miyoung and the others came over to my table. "Did he reject you?" Semi asked. "Obviously,"Hana said. "So- it's not you who go and confess to Sir Luhan" Sena said. "Hey, can we just let Hyejin to tell us?" Miyoung interrupted their little fight. "So?" Miyoung asked. They stare at me while waiting for my answer. Should I tell them the true? I think no. It's not like I don't want to let them know but Sir Luhan has a lot of fans in school and one of them is Hana, she confess to him before but been rejected by him. "Yeah, you're right. He rejected me," I told them. "See I told you that she've been rejected" Hana said while moving away from my table. "Oh really but I still can't believe that someone serious like you will do something like this," Semi said. "Yeah," her twin agree with her. 'Oh so everyone think me as a serious person' I thought to myself.

Then the class door is open. Sir Luhan came in. "Geez... I just came in late and your class is so noisy..." he said. "You all seriously can't study when I come in late? Many of you fail for this time math test. When you fail I need to give you all tuition and you all need to come during summer break. And I know you guys hate it but not only you but I also hate it so please don't fail the next exam" He then gave us back our paper and start of with the lesson. After a while, the bell ring sign that it's already dismissal. I've heard from my friend today that teachers' have meeting so I wouldn't meet Sir Luhan after this. And that's when I feel a little relieve.


A/N: Hi, YKjimin here, so how's the first chapter??? I wish that you all like it although it's a short chapter. Sorry if there is any grammar mistake or typos. But I can't update the story often because of school. But I'll try to update it. You can also comment your thoughts about this story.

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