3: The Wedding

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It was the day of the wedding.

To say that Jessie was nervous, would be the biggest understatement

Jessie and Meowth were about to part ways, as Jessebelle's father was going to walk the magenta haired girl down the aisle, whilst Meowth was going to sit amongst the crowd.

"Is this bow really necessary?" Meowth asked, as he had a bright red ribbon tied loosely around his neck, in a bow. "Obviously. Hopefully the bow will make everyone think that you're a female Meowth." Jessie insisted, wanting to try as hard as she could to keep Meowth along with her, but also not give away perhaps the entire plan.

"Meowth, do I look okay?" Jessie asked, as the cat Pokemon looked up at his best friend. She wore a white flowing dress, sparkling diamond jewellery and heels. Her hair twirled into the most perfect curls, and her makeup was a bit over the top, but not too dramatic.

"You have asked me that question at least ten times, and I'm going to answer it with the same answer I have been giving you over and over- YES, You look nice." Meowth huffed, sick of the repetition. Jessie laughed nervously, "Sorry I'm just... so nervous." The girl admitted as the cat Pokemon just deadpanned her. "Wouldn't have guessed."

They approached a tall man, with looks that definitely declared that he was Jessebelle's father. Jessie and Meowth shared one last glance, as Meowth gave her a smile, before they parted ways.

Approaching the older man, Jessie cleared her throat, catching his attention. "Oh my-" He blurted, before smiling as Jessie proudly, not realising at all that this woman was not his daughter. "You look magnificent, darling." He said, before linking his arm with Jessie's. "Thanks, Dad." Jessie replied.

Entering a large, beautiful open garden, the pair had absolutely everybody's eyes on them. Jessie tried not to let the audience overwhelm her, as they walked down the aisle.

At the end of the aisle, was a spectacularly large, white gazebo. James stood under it, absolutely mesmerised by the woman he was soon to be wed too. James had been incredibly nervous, and full of dread, but as he saw his future wife walking down the aisle, he felt a sting of hope that everything was going to be okay.

Jessebelle's father planted a kiss on her cheek, before leaving her to walk up to the altar, and stand beside James. As she did, she locked eyes with the purple haired boy, who still looked like he was in awe. She couldn't help but to smile back.

Meanwhile, Meowth sat on the grass, getting quite comfortable. Jessie searched the crowd, her eyes landing on Meowth. She still looked nervous, though Meowth gave her a thumbs up, and she smiled back, before turning away. Meowth then noticed that James looked awfully nervous too.

The celebrant had been talking for quite a while, as Meowth zoned out. He watched as the pair had said their vows to one another, and he grinned. The cat Pokemon would never have told them, but in the past he really thought that they'd make a cute couple, he never expected that they'd suddenly be getting married.

"James, do you take Jessebelle to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The man standing behind the bride and groom, asked. A nervous smile flashed on James face, before he turned to Jessie. "I do." James spoke, though he spoke in a chipper tone, his demeanour really didn't give everyone the idea that he was certain about this marriage.

"Jessebelle, do you take James to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The celebrant asked, as Jessie looked up to James. She flashed him a smile before saying, "I do."

"Very well," The celebrant began, before looking to James. "I now pronounce you husband and wife- you may kiss the bride." He finished. Jessie and James faced eachother, clearly nervous.

Jessie couldn't imagine the day she'd ever kiss James.. if someone had told her months ago that they would kiss, she would have laughed in their face... but now here they were, at an altar, being wed. James on the other hand, was scared for what he was getting into.. he knew what Jessebelle was like, and now he was expected to spend the rest of his life with her.

The bride thought about the end of all of this.. fleeing the family with hopefully a bit of wealth, keeping team rocket together.. this is what she wanted.

Jessie and James leant forward, and shared what was their first ever kiss. The audience erupted into cheers, as Meowth smiles from ear to ear.

The pair broke apart, both of their cheeks tinted pink. They smiles at eachother, though something felt unusual to James.. but he couldn't put his finger on it.

He had kissed Jessebelle previously, and hated every moment of it.. this seemed different, and he didn't understand why.

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