6: Spontaneous road trip

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Jessie couldn't believe her eyes. How did Jessebelle already know?

The girl then face palmed, remembering the press had been at the wedding. After all, James had been avoiding this wedding for years, it was going to makes news that he and Jessebelle were finally wed.

The magenta haired woman bit her lip, as she threw on a gown and curled her hair, trying to think of a plan. She felt her eyes itch in pain, as she hadn't been removing the eye contacts as much as she should have.

Jessie knew this charade wasn't going to last, but she didn't expect it all to unfold this early.. no not yet.

She felt hopeless.

What was she supposed to do? Break the news to James already?

She shook her head, deciding that it was too soon.


Five minutes later

"We're.. what?" James blurted, as Jessie put on a smile, trying to hide the fact that she was totally freaking out. "I said; we're going on a roadtrip!" The pink haired girl announced, as James, Growlie and Meowth all frowned. "That is a bit.. spontaneous." James admitted as Jessie shrugged. "Well I thought a getaway would be a lovely idea, just me, you, Growlie and Kitty!"

James frown then turned into a smile, "That actually sounds like a lot of fun!" He said happily. Jessie then smiled in response to that. "Well then I'll go and let Sebastian know of our spontaneous adventure, and we'll be off before you know it." James said, giving his wife a smile.

Not even a few minutes later, Sebastian had entered the hallway with two large suitcases, leaving them at the bedroom doors of James and Jessie's bedrooms. Jessie wheeled the empty suitcase into the room and began packing it.

Jessie looked into the mirror, quickly fixing her hair to look perfectly like Jessebelle's, before she turned back to her suitcase. She hoped that this holiday would at least give her time to ease James into the truth... that he had actually married his long time colleague that he probably didn't see in a romantic light, instead of the annoyingly preppy girl he had spent most of his life hiding from.

The door opened quietly, as James poked his head in. "I'm ready when you are." He gave the woman a smile. "I'm nearly ready hun." Jessie answered, before he left.

Minutes later, Sebastian was wheeling the suitcases to a car, as Jessie and James followed, as well as Growlie and "Kitty".

As they drove away, Jessie gave James a smile, feeling free. She knew this wasn't going to last, and that she'd need to face the music soon. James needed to know the truth, before Jessebelle possibly found them.

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