7: I love you

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It had been two weeks since Jessie and James had left the mansion. They'd already driven around half of Kanto, taking in the beautiful sights.

They'd adored every moment they'd spent together, and Jessie found herself developing feelings for James, which she certainly didn't expect. When she had told Meowth, he was absolutely delighted.

Despite the incredible 14 days the group had just had, Jessie still hadn't told James the truth. Things had been feeling so perfect.. she wished they could just stay this way. The magenta haired girl knew that things would be different once the truth came out.

The vehicle approached a luxurious looking villa, in the middle of Saffron city, which they were staying in for the night. Once parked, Jessie and James looked into the backseat, seeing the two Pokemon curled up, asleep, as they snored lightly.

"Aren't they just the cutest?" Jessie blurted, as James smiled at his wife, before looking back to the pair of sleeping Pokemon. "They sure are."

The couple wheeled their luggage inside, before waking up their Pokemon. Growlie was full of excitement, as James pet him. Meowth on the other hand, seemed awfully grumpy.

"Hey love, should we go out for dinner?" James asked, beginning to feel hungry. Jessie couldn't lie, the pet names made her heart flutter. "Why of course, hun." Jessie declared, before linking her arm with her husbands.

Leaving the villa, they strolled into Saffron city's township, amazed by the town's beauty. Smiling at it's incredible night life and bright lights, they stopped at the front of an Italian restaurant. A chef was seen spinning a pizza base in the air on his finger, impressing the pair.

No more was said, as the couple stepped into the restaurant, feeling famished as the smell of pizza and pasta wafted into their faces.

A waiter sat the pair down, leaving them to look through menus.

Jessie flicked through the menu, unaware to the fact that James was watching her. Once catching his eye, the pinkette looks up, giving him a curious look. "Are you staring at me?" She asked with a nervous laugh. "I'm admiring.. you're beautiful." He blurted as Jessie felt her cheeks heat up. She had never expected it, but she'd fallen hard for James. She just hoped that their relationship wouldn't be ruined once she told him the truth.

"I love you." Jessie blurted, before she could think too much about it. Realising what she had just said, her eyes widened in shock. James smiled back brightly, "I love you too."

They were inching close to eachother, but before anything could happen, the front door of the restaurant swung open with a loud crash, catching the attention of everyone.

There in the doorway stood a female about Jessie's height, with stiff purple curls and green eyes. She wore a long purple dress.

And she was Jessie's worst nightmare.

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