5: The hangover from hell

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It was the morning after the wedding and the after party.

To say that Jessie was hungover, would be a complete understatement.

Jessie rolled over in her bed, groaning as she asked herself, "Oh man. Why did I drink so much?"

Meowth, who had been laying at the end of the bed, curled into a ball, now sat up to face his best friend. "Ugh!!" Jessie groaned into her pillow as Meowth frowned. "Oh come on Jess, you have been grumbling all morning." Meowth said quietly. The magenta haired woman now faced the cat, glaring. "Well you don't drink.. so you would have no idea how I'm feeling right now." She huffed. Meowth just frowned back in response, before laying back onto the bed.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, causing Jessie to flinch. She got up, stopping as she realised she had practically leapt out of the bed too fast. Feeling like her stomach was doing backflips, she took a moment for it to settle, before she walked over to the door.

Jessie opened the door, seeing James on the other side. Quickly, she straightened up, trying not to give away that she was feeling completely shit from being so intoxicated the previous night. "Good morning James." Jessie said, as James tried not to chuckle. "Good morning, you look a bit... messy."

Jessie laughed awkwardly, "I'm pretty hungover." She replied. "Oh.. I was going to see if you wanted to go to the cinema or something today.. maybe get some lunch, but you don't look very well." James admitted. As pleasant as the idea sounded, Jessie definitely wanted to go back to laying in bed and wallowing in regret, instead. "Maybe another day, hun? I feel like my head is going go explode.." She admitted. James nodded, "Of course love."

Jessie closed the door, as James left. She then climbed back into her bed, and ended up sleeping on and off for the rest of the day, hoping this hangover would disappear.


Hours had passed.

Jessie was woken up by a loud thud, causing her to nearly fall out of the bed in a fright. The girl groaned, sitting back on her bed, before hearing more loud sounds.

It was storming.

The woman was relieved that she no longer felt like vomiting, and her headache was finally gone, but now she felt like she couldn't go back to sleep.

Jessie got up and left the room, heading into the kitchen to make some tea. She figured some chamomile might relax her, and she'd fall back to sleep. Once she'd made tea, she sat in the living room, sipping on it quietly.

"Can't sleep either?" A voice asked, causing the woman to flinch, before realising that James had just entered the living room, also unable to sleep. Jessie gave a nod, "That thunder is awfully loud." She replied.

"Mind if I join you?" James asked, almost hesitantly. Jessie shook her head, "Go for it." She insisted. James then took a seat beside her, and the pair began chatting, about anything.

They talked for hours and hours, keeping eachother company through out the stormy night.

James felt like Jessebelle, the girl he had feared and avoided for the last decade and a half, was no where near as annoying as he had thought.

Eventually, the pair grew tired, and both fell asleep on the lounge.


Meowth sat in the living room, Growlie by his side as he was trying not to laugh as he found Jessie and James, cuddled up together on the couch. They looked so peaceful together, but he had decided he wanted to wake them up anyway.

"Meowth!!" He called out loudly, instantly waking the pair up, as they jumped. Realising they'd fallen asleep in eachother's arms, Jessie blushed madly and got out of James arms, shooting Meowth a quick glare. James on the other hand, wasn't finding it strange, after all they were married.

Jessie rushed to her room to get changed and ready for the day, but stopped upon seeing her phone laying on the bed, it's screen lit up as a message appeared on it.

She walked over to it and picked it up, freezing in fear as she read the message.

"I know what you're up to Jessie, and I'm on my way to blow your cover :) -JB"

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