1: The Arranged Marriage

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Jessie was slumped into her couch, crying. She had been crying for at least thirty minutes now, maybe even longer.

James had been running from Jessebelle and their arranged marriage for most of his life, but his luck of avoiding it all came to an end as his parents finally caught him, and had planned for James and Jessebelle to be wed within one week.

Meowth climbed onto the couch, and reached his paw out to pat Jessie's shoulder. "I'm sure James won't leave us forever, Jess." He assured her. "B..But what will happen to team rocket?!" The magenta haired woman asked, worried. Meowth frowned, his shoulders sinking as he didn't know what answer to give his friend.. truthfully he didn't know himself what would happen to Team Rocket.

The trio had been together for so long now, they considered eachother family. Truthfully, they didn't know how to be apart from eachother for so long. Meowth sat down, his back against the couch, "I don't want Team Rocket to disband either.." He confessed.


Rage filled James, as he slammed his fists against his desk. Growlie, who was fast asleep, flinched awake, "Growl?" He asked as James faced his Pokemon. "Sorry Growlie, I didn't realise you were sleeping." He confessed, as the Growlithe stood up and stretched, before dashing over to his trainer.

The fire type affectionately rubbed it's head against James' leg, wanting to comfort him. The purple haired boy bent down to pet Growlie. "There's no escape this time, I have to marry Jessebelle." James sighed as the Growlithe frowned, as he wasn't fond of Jessebelle at all.

"I will have to give up Team Rocket.." James realised, "I will.. have to leave Jessie and Meowth." He added, sadness welling in his chest. "Growlithe.." The fire type said sadly. "They're my family Growlie, I don't want to leave them.."

The boy then paused, remembering the day Jessebelle demanded he got rid of his beloved Growlithe for a Skitty. With that horrible memory fresh in his mind, he clenched his fists in anger. "I don't care what Jessebelle says.. I will never replace you for a Skitty. You're my family too, Growlie."

Growlithe nuzzled his trainer, before flinching as the door suddenly opened. James frowned before he looked over in the doorway, to see one of the family butlers; Sebastian.

"Young Master James, your parents have requested that you go shopping for a tuxedo, for your upcoming wedding with-" Sebastian was cut off as James groaned, "Don't remind me, Sebastian." Sebastian cleared his throat before he said, "Very well.. I will go and start the limousine, I expect you will meet me there soon."

With that, the door closed. James sighed, looking down at his Growlithe. "Growlie, do you want to come along?" He asked, as the fire type eagerly chimed, "Growl!! Growlie!" James smiled, before he bent down to pat Growlie, "Alright then, let's go now."


Silence had filled the air between Meowth and Jessie. Jessie was numb, and didn't know what to say or do. The magenta haired girl had no where to go.. Team Rocket were her family, her home. What would she do now?

Meanwhile, Meowth was thinking about something. He'd been awfully, quiet, which sort of worried the woman. "Why are you so quiet?" Jessie suddenly asked the talking cat Pokemon. "I'm just thinking..." Meowth trailed off. Jessie raised an eyebrow, "About what?"

"Well Jessie.. I think with a bit of hairspray, some eye contacts, makeup and new clothes- you could look like Jessebelle's twin!" Meowth confessed proudly, before his face was brutally hit with a pillow. "That is an insult if I have ever heard one!" She hissed, before crossing her arms and turning away from the Pokemon. "I am much prettier."

"Ugh, hear me out." Meowth pleaded, as Jessie faced him. "What if you posed as Jessebelle and married James instead? Then we can escape his annoyingly overbearing family, hopefully take some of their wealth along with us- and continue being Team Rocket!" He suggested. Jessie frowned, "Me? Marry James?!" She asked, snappy. "Are you crazy?!"

Meowth sighed, "Think about it, if you two get married, our team will still be together.. we will still have a family." He said. Jessie's face softened, as she thought about it. She didn't want to lose James or Meowth and especially not their reputation as Team Rocket.

"Well.. what have we got to lose."


Sebastian opened James' car door, as the purple haired boy and his beloved Pokemon, stepped out the car and looked at the overwhelmingly expensive mall they were about to enter. "While you are here young master James, may I suggest that you buy Jessebelle a wedding present?" He asked. James ignored the comment, and looked back to Sebastian. "Growlie will help me choose a tuxedo while you run your errands. I'll see you later." He said.

The trio parted ways as James and Growlie entered the mall. Growlie barked in excitement as he saw other Pokemon around, and greeted some as they walked.

The pair approached an expensive fancy dress store, where James figured they should start looking for a tuxedo to wear. He had shoes picked out already, and a tie. "Well.. here goes.." James sighed, as he entered the store, followed by the eager fire type Pokemon.

The duo noticed the shop was divided into two halves, a section for more masculine clothes such as suits and tuxedos, and a section for more feminine clothes such as dresses.

The purple haired boy made his way to the masculine section and looked in surprise at the never ending racks of formal wear. "Something tells me that we are going to be here for a while.." James confessed as Growlie barked in agreeance.

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