10: Was it all just a dream?

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Jessie's eyes fluttered open, as she was incredibly disoriented. "Where the hell am I?" She wondered, not recognising the place at all.

She heard a monitor beep, and looked down at her arms, to see all sorts of things poking into them, keeping track of her vitals. She was in hospital.

"Was it.. all just a dream?"

The magenta haired woman tried to sit up, feeling aches and pain all throughout her body. She fell back into the bed and let out a groan. "Nope. None of that was a dream." She realised.

Suddenly, the doors barged open, as James and Meowth raced inside, and then over to the bed, where their best friend laid.

"Jessie!!" They both cried out, relief filling them. "Hey.. guys.." Jessie managed to greet them, still feeling groggy.

Meowth climbed onto the bed, as James stood on the other side of it, and the pair wrapped their arms around Jessie, hugging her tightly, but not too tightly that they would hurt her.

The trio cried, holding eachother for a moment.

James and Meowth pulled away as Jessie sniffled, looking up at James. "James... I'm so sorry- for everything! I should never have tried to get inbetween the marriage of you and Jessebelle." She apologised, her voice shaky.

James shook his head, "I should have known... Jessebelle isn't that relaxed.. and caring." He chuckled as Jessie didn't budge on her argument. "I should have let you two get married. The whole reason I decided to try and pull this off was so we could eventually save team Rocket but.."

She paused for a moment, seeming a little hesitant to continue. James gave her an intent look, as he was patient and curious to what she was going to say.

"I've fallen head over heels in love with you."

There it was, Jessie's real confession.

James face lit up, as he smiled from ear to ear. Seeing him so happy, Jessie smiled brightly too. The purple haired boy then leant in and kissed his wife, as she kissed back.

James pulled away, looking into Jessie's eyes lovingly before finally saying,

"I love you too Jessie."

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