8: Poser!!

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Jessie couldn't explain the feeling of dread she currently felt. She honestly felt like she had been kicked square in the stomach. Jessebelle, who still stood in the doorway, glared a nasty dagger at Jessie, spotting their table. After a brief moment, she stormed over to the table, as James looked incredibly confused. Jessie's mouth just hung open, as she didn't know what to say.

"You!" Jessebelle pointed her hand out at Jessie, "You poser- how could you!?" She spat. James frowned, "How dare you interrupt our date!" He huffed. Jessie found herself sweating nervously, as her eyes slowly moved to James, who looked angry at Jessebelle.. the real one. By the look in his eyes, it was clear that he believed Jessebelle was the poser.

Jessebelle grunted before she turned to James, a look of disgust on her face. "You have absolutely no right to speak right now- are you that stupid that you married a poser?!" She hissed. Hearing this, Jessie felt the hairs of her neck sit up. James just glared harder, if that was even possible. "Don't you dare insult my wife- if anyone is a poser here it must be you!" James retaliated, before he stood up. Jessie didn't know what to do.. she didn't expect this moment to come so fast. She froze up.

Jessebelle scoffed before she asked venomously, "Are you  playing dumb or just really fucking stupid?" Still glaring at James. "Why are you here? How dare you storm into this restaurant, dressed as my wife to harrass us!?" James asked. Jessebelle's eyes met Jessie's, as she sensed the nerves. She then looked back to James, "She may be your wife but I fucking swear that the woman you married, is not Jessebelle." She growled, before pointing to herself, "I'm Jessebelle."

It went silent. After a moment James went to speak but he was again cut off. "I'm Jessebelle." She repeated, saying it in a more annoyed tone. "I'm the lovely lady that you were supposed to get married too!" She spat. James shook his head in frustration before he said, "What you're saying makes absolutely no sense, I am married to Jessebelle." He then motioned to Jessie, who gulped quietly. "Not some poser like you."

Without another word, Jessebelle stormed to Jessie's side, before she shoved her hands into the girls hair and began tugging at it, trying to undo the curls. "Hey! What the fuck do you think you are doing!?" James growled, grabbing ahold of Jessebelle as he pulled her away from Jessie. "Bitch- take out your contacts!" Jessebelle shouted at Jessie.

Despite everything, James was still adamant that Jessebelle was the poser.. but Jessie knew that there was no way she could win this argument- how could James deny what was right in front of him?

Jessie stood to her feet, as her arms fell to her side. Dropping the accent she said, "James, release her."

James blinked in surprise, instantly recognising Jessie's voice. His mouth fell open, as he wanted to say something, but he couldn't put words together. Jessie made eye contact with her husband, as her eyes were filled with tears. "I am the poser."

Jessebelle escaped James grip and then crossed her arms, "You're little charade is over. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" She demanded. Jessie locked eyes with Jessebelle before shaking her head, "Not for you." She admitted. She then looked to James, who still looked lost for words. "James- I'm so sorry." She blurted, though tears ran down her cheeks now.

Before anything else could be said, she ran. She ran as fast as she could, leaving the restaurant. Leaving her husband and his supposed-to-be wife.

She found the villa, where they were staying, and turned a corner.

Something suddenly whacked Jessie in the back of her head, and she fell to her knees.

Everything went black.

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