4: Tangled up

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It had been an hour since the ceremony. One whole hour of Jessie being James lawfully wedded wife.

The magenta haired girl had plonked herself onto a bed, letting out a groan before she flicked off the heels. She was now staying with James family, but requested to have a room to herself, at least for the first few nights. She knew it wouldn't look great but she had just gotten married to her best friend who she had never once seen in a romantic light... sharing a bed was a bit too soon for her.

There was an after party in a couple of hours, which Jessie was looking forward to, but she was very excited to relax before hand.

Jessie began to loosen the curls in her hair, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as her head felt so free, without the millions of pins sticking to her head. The Rocket girl then began to brush her hair, but wasn't having much luck.

After about ten minutes of cussing, and tangling her hair even more, Meowth who was half asleep on her bed, looked up at her. "Would you like some help?" He asked. Jessie shot him a glare, looking offended that he had even asked. "Do I look like I need help?!" She snapped, intending to ask a rhetorical question. Meowth sweatdropped, "Yes. You really do."

Jessie dropped her arms in defeat, before sitting down. Meowth stood on the edge of the bed and tried to untangle some of the mess with the brush. "This is a nightmare, Jess." Meowth blurted, before Jessie winced in pain. "Could you be careful!?" She hissed. "I have to pull at this knot! It won't come out!" Meowth retaliated, getting annoyed at his friend now, as he was helping her yet getting growled at.

The pair bickered for a bit, before the door suddenly swung open, and James stood in the doorway. "J..James-" Jessie blurted, her Jessebelle accent coming back in her voice. "Sorry I didn't knock." James blurted before looking over it her, "It sounded like something was wrong." He admitted.

Meowth froze, unsure what to do. James just walked over, and pet him. "I didn't know you had a Meowth!" He blurted. "What is her name?" The groom asked, assuming that the cat Pokemon was female, due to the bow he wore.

"Why yes- This is... Kitty!"

Wow, real creative Jessie.

James just smiled, before petting Meowth again.

The purple haired boy then turned back to his wife, "Would you like some help?" He asked, seeing her hair in a tangled mess, and her hairbrush in her hand. Jessie laughed awkwardly, before nodding. "Actually yes, that would be nice." She decided.

James put on a smile, before he tried to help detangle his partners wavy hair, as best her could with her brush. "Sorry, this might hurt." He confess.

Once it was less... crazy, Jessie decided she would have a shower. "Thank you for your help, James." She said, before quickly getting up. "I'll see you at the after party soon." The pinkette added. James smiled back, "You will."

Suddenly Jessie grabbed something to change into and left, heading towards the bathroom, leaving James and Meowth alone.

The purple haired boy faced the cat Pokemon, who suddenly looked nervous. With James face staying straight, he was hard to read.. was he slowly figuring out their secret?

"You remind me of one of my best friends.. but much less talkative and annoying." James declared, before he reached out to pat Meowth. The Pokemon wanted to deadpan James and hiss at the insult, but instead just nuzzled into his hand. "Annoying?! I am not annoying!!" Meowth thought, as James left the bedroom.

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