2: Completely and utterly doomed

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James had spent the evening with Growlie, trying to decide on the perfect tuxedo for the wedding. It was hard to choose an outfit for an event you were absolutely dreading, particularly being your wedding.

After purchasing a tuxedo, Growlie and James left to get dinner. They dined in a restaurant, overlooking a beautiful lake. As they ate, James looked over at the lake, as the sun was setting, wondering if his future with Jessebelle was going to be as bad as he thought it would be.

What was he kidding, in James mind he was completely and utterly doomed.


It was one day until the wedding. Jessie was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, as she was preparing everything for this day, and for this plan to work.

"Oh my god- I haven't even practiced an accent!" Jessie blurted, as she had her chosen wedding dress laid out on her bed. Her heels sat on the floor, beside the bed.

"It's okay, we have plenty of time!" Meowth reassured her, but the girl frowned, "We really don't- oh god Meowth how am I going to pull this off?" Jessie asked as Meowth opened his mouth to speak, to comfort and encourage his best friend, but not before a loud and urgent knock hammered the door.

The magenta haired woman looked puzzled to who it could be, and went to walk to the door. Meowth stopped her, "What if it's James? You're literally Jessebelle's doppelgänger right now." The cat confessed, as it was true. Jessie had curled her hair and done her makeup. Contacts were also in her eyes. "Fair point.." Jessie admitted, before she walked towards the back of the room, staying so she was hidden from view of the doorway.

Meowth skipped over and opened it, his eyes nearly popping out of his head in surprise as Jessebelle stood before him. Without thinking, he closed it and raced over to Jessie. "Code red!! Jessebelle is here!!" He hissed. "Oh fuck-" Jessie blurted, before Jessebelle went back to urgently knocking on the door. "What do I do??" Meowth asked, worry all over his face.

"Uh oh my god um.. I know! Tell her he has flown to Kalos!" The magenta haired woman suggested. Meowth frowned, "What?" Jessie then gave him a blank stare, "Do you happen to have any better ideas!?" She hissed. "Touché.." Meowth sighed before he raced back over to the front door and swung it open.

"Where the hell is James?!" Jessebelle furiously yelled in the cat's face. "You didn't know? James has gone to Kalos!" The Pokemon blurted, looking nervous as he doubted Jessebelle would take the bait. "What!? That is absurd! We are to be wed tomorrow!" Jessebelle growled. "W..Well, James wants to be wed in Kalos! You know him, full of surprises." The cat chuckled nervously.

Jessebelle then stormed off, without another word. "Sheesh, you're welcome." Meowth blurted before closing the door.

He turned around to Jessie, who let out a sigh of relief. "Hey, why don't you visit James before the wedding?" The cat suggested. Jessie frowned, "Why?" She asked. "It gives you a chance to practice being Jessebelle in front of him before you have hundreds of eyes on you." Meowth suggested as Jessie shrugged. "Fair point! But you will have to stay here.. James will know what is up instantly if I bring a talking Meowth along with me." The woman insisted. Meowth shrugged, "That's fine by me." He said, happy to stay back and relax.


James let out a sigh, as he sunk into his bed. His tuxedo laid spread on the other end of the bed. Growlie skipped over to his trainer, his tail wagging. James gave the Growlithe a smile, before he reached down to pet him.

"I'm scared about the wedding, Growlie." The purple haired man admitted, as Growlie gave his trainer an empathetic smile.

Suddenly, Sebastian barged in. "Young Master James! Jessebelle is here to see you!" He announced as James and Growlie shared a worried glance, before James looked back to the butler. "Oh.. okay." He replied, not sounding the least bit excited.

Moments passed and Jessie entered the room, obviously posing as Jessebelle. James put on a smile and greeted her, "H.. Hi Jessebelle." He couldn't help but to seem a bit nervous.. to be fair he was standing in front of the woman that he would be wed to in less than 24 hours. Jessie cleared her throat, before smiling back and saying chirpily, "Hi James."

The pair sat on a couch, trying to make small talk. Jessie had no idea what to even say to James.. she didn't know anything about Jessebelle that she could talk about to fill time. Suddenly, she started to doubt herself pulling this off, but she tried not to show physically that she was worrying.

"Are you.. excited for tomorrow?" Jessie asked, referring to obviously the wedding. James blinked in surprise before replying, "Well yeah..." He lied. He was in no way excited. "Aren't you?" The purple haired boy asked. Jessie forced out a giggle before she replied with, "Well what kind of a silly question is that? Of course I am!"

Sebastian walked in suddenly, wheeling a cart over to the pair. On the cart laid a beautiful red tea pot with two cups, and various treats. Jessie's eyes lit up at the site of the food. "I thought you two might be hungry." Sebastian gave the pair a smile. "Why thank you." Jessie smiled, full of delight. "Thank you Sebastian." James answered.

The pair began munching away on treats, as Growlie sat between them and eyed off the food. James looked at Jessie, who he'd believed was Jessebelle, thinking to himself. Jessie caught his stare and he blushed, looking away. "S..Sorry." James blurted. "It's just.. you've lost quite a bit of weight since I've last seen you."

Now Jessebelle was by no means fat. She was quite a healthy weight, and very beautiful. Jessie couldn't deny though, compared to her wealthy doppelgänger, she was a bit scrawny.. it didn't help that there were nights where she struggled to get food on the table for herself. Jessie shrugged, "I guess I have been doing a lot of exercise." She shrugged, finally replying to James.

Jessie picked up the mug, sipping on her tea. "You know.. you kind of remind me of my old friend, Jessie." James admitted, causing the magenta haired girl to nearly spit out her tea. "Am I doing that terrible a job as Jessebelle's imposter?!" She thought to herself. "Oh well.. isn't that just interesting?" Jessie asked.


Sometime later

Jessie flopped onto her bed, letting out a groan as her hair fell out of it's curls. Meowth approached his friend, climbing onto her bed. "So, how did it go?" He asked. "It was.. kind of awkward." Jessie admitted, before facing the cat Pokemon. "I need to try harder." She sighed, feeling exhausted.

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