New beginnings

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The year 2224, somewhere in Central America

Gabe gazed at the monitor, sipping his hot coffee. It was his second day in the office and he was not yet used to the night shifts. The caffeine was keeping him from dozing off. As soon as he checked all the monitors, he stood up and shook all the laziness off, knuckling his fists and rotating his head a few times getting ready for another long hour of sitting behind the screens. He carefully stacked all the coffee cups; he counted them and realized he had 10 cups of coffee in the last 2 hours.

“That’s a lot of caffeine…” A passerby commented.

Gabe just shrugged and exercised some more, when he was sure enough that he was wide awake. He sat on the chair monitoring the signals.

Gabe was startled at once when alarm went off; he was utterly confused for a second. He saw the red light flashing through the halls and soldiers running with armory in their hands. His gaze fell on the screens before him; he was reckless to fall asleep. The soldiers were heading towards the forests that surrounded the Space Patrol building. He saw them being taken down one by one, the invisible forces attacking them from the top. He knew what it meant; this reminded him of the urgent task that he was supposed do at this time. He sent a brief coding to the SaViors about the attack, describing the type of attack. He knew that he had very less time and he wanted to do at least one thing right in his duty.

SaViors main building, the island of Raksu

“Our Space Patrol Centre in Central America was totally demolished, none of them survived….” A person in deep southern accent stated.

A man in gray uniform walked towards him and handed him a packet. He nodded gravely and dismissed him.

“This was the only information that we got on the nature of the attack…” He said throwing the packet on the circular table, every person sitting around the table eyed the packet as if it contained something ominous.

“Why won’t you talk about the entire village that has been wiped off instead of talking only about the 50 comrades that we had lost two weeks back…”Everyone went rigid as soon as they heard the smooth yet commanding tone of  Elisa.

“Madam…” Elisa raised her eye brows questioningly at the officer, The tiger backed away like a mere kitty.

“An entire village in southern India has been wiped away. We never knew the cause except some random guesses made by our experts…”

203, Wood’s residence, Tauga

A teenage girl lay on the dark road in nothing but her evening gown; she looked angelic in her deep sleep. She curled up into a ball as the cold wind blew on her bare skin. Her eyelids fluttered as the cold wind chided her to wake up. Rubbing her eyes, she took in her surroundings.


Everything around her was either destroyed or burned. The foul smell made her flinch; she plugged her nose as she kept on moving her eyes training on the now burnt houses. 


“Aah!” she picked up the glass splinter that tore through her bare feet. She rubbed the blood away and threw the splinter away.

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