The Rain before the Storm

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I stood infront of the small tempered farmer. I couldn't take it anymore. I have known bambi for a while and began to grow romantic feelings for him during our friendship. But now, I was standing towards the red faced, angered farmer, the grey storming clouds above us, rain fall just beginning to make its way down to the earths surface. I had fucked it up big time and there was no way I could recover from that.
"Get off of my property pidge!" the short farmer exclaimed rather harshly towards the raven headed human. His hands in tight fist, glaring upward towards the silenced human standing before him. "Did you not hear me pidge?? God seriously why the hell do you always make me repeat shit for you all the god damn time!!" the corn farmer stomped his foot, causing mud to get all over both of them. The rain began to become more intense, yet the human before him hung their head downwards, not daring to speak a word.
Then suddenly, as the little angry farmer calmed his fit, he heard the small quiet sniffles from the human standing infront of him. He took a step back, realizing he might have taken his temper a little too far this time. As he was about to speak, the raven headed human fell to their knees and held their face within their clammy hands.
"Bambi.." the weeping human spoke before the now silenced farmer. "I'm so sorry..I never meant to hurt's just that I-.." they chocked back more tears, the farmer not daring to interrupt them. They let their face go and let their hands drop to their sides, they didn't care to be filthied up by the mud on the ground. "Bambi I love you!!" they exclaimed loudly, the pitter patter of rain falling beside them onto the now muddy dirt. The farmer stood their in shock, what did his friend just say to him? He couldn't believe it, its not that he was disgusted by it, but just surprised.
"Why.." the farmer muttered quietly. The sniffling human kneeling infront of him looked upwards, tears still streaming down their face. "W-what?.." they managed to choke out.
The farmer grumbled quietly to himself before continuing, "out of all people..why do you love me.." his balled fist now slowly unraveling as he began to calm down.
They smiled slightly, looking towards the tiny corn farmer infront of them. "Bambi..I love you for who you are, I enjoy spending time with you and Dave. You both bring me so much joy in my life. But specifically you have always been there for me. Even through my shittiest times" they giggled slightly while trying to wipe their eyes. "I just don't know what I would do without you, when I'm around you I feel like I'm whole, like I'm not missing something I guess. I can be myself around you without being judged. And you are just someone I.." they trailed off and looked down. Their small smile began to fade away, and they began again "but it's to late for me to say that now isn't it.." they spoke softly.
The farmer stomped closer to the kneeled form infront of him and forced the humans face towards his. "Pidge." the farmer began, "I love you too, I'm so sorry for everything I said, I went too far. I shouldn't have put all that blame onto you and make you feel even more guilty about it." his grip around their round face relaxed as he gently caressed their cheek.
The farmers eyes scanned the humans face, god they were gorgeous, how could he have been so harsh towards this beautiful angel infront of him.
His eyes landed towards their lips, so small and a tint of red color, they were perfect in every way too him. He slowly leaned in and placed his lips onto theirs. The humans eyes shot wide open. "Holy heck is this real?!?!" they thought mentally to themselves. The tiny corn farmer detached his lips from the sweet kiss he had just planted on the beauty before him. He smiled at them lovingly, the person returning the warm smile back.
"I love you-" they both said in sync. Reality now kicking in, "uh but maybe we should head inside-? We are kind of soaking wet from this rain." the raven headed human giggled slightly, feeling relieved that the farmer had accepted both their confession and apology. The corn loving farmer rolled his eyes playfully and offered a hand towards the kneeling human. They took his hand gently, giving it a small squeeze before being pulled back up to their feet.
"Hey Bambi?" the raven headed human asked towards the farmer. "Hm?" he hummed looking at them with a small smile planted on his face. "Your pretty good at kissing ngl" the human snickered as the farmer became extremely flustered and began to curse up a storm. Yet, they still held hands as they walked back and that was the beginning of a new chapter for the both of them.

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