Buzz kill

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Hi there reader!! This chapter is a bit longer then the others so I hope you all don't mind that. Also I would like to thank you all for the support! :] I appreciate it so much and I'm happy you guys enjoy my writing.
Anyways, enjoy the story!


Bandu's POV
It was another ordinary day in the 3D world, well ordinary for me I guess I should say. I didn't really do much with my time since I didn't really have any friends. My brother also avoided me so trying to talk with him was out of the question. I've always been lonely, which has made me feel depressed after a while. However, I am a phone addict and my only escape from this loneliness was the internet.
I hopped onto my gaming chair, entering the password to my computer, humming as it booted it up. As my computer screen loaded in, I opened up discord. People in real life find my interest weird, so it's hard for me to make friends around here. But online, I have found so many other people who enjoy the same things as me. I'm grateful for that to be honest, it makes me feel less alone, which makes me feel better.
The first thing I notice on my screen is a missed dm from a friend I had made about 2 years ago. Their name was Pidge, though we met on some weird forum, we became very close friends since then. Which is rare since most interactions I usually had on the internet only spanned out to 1 day or more of talking. Then boom, that was the end of it.
However, with Pidge it wasn't ever like that, we would message each other everyday, heck we voice called a lot with each other. Playing games, streaming movies, chatting about our interest, it was always a fun time spent with them. Even if we were both behind a screen.
Their message glowed on my screen, reading "Good morning Bandu!! How are you doing today? :D" I smiled, their messages always brightened up my day, even simple ones like these. I immediately started clicking away, responding to their message.

Pidge's POV
I was getting ready for the day ahead of me before hearing my phone buzz. I walked over to my bed where my phone was laying, reading the notification I had received. "HeLlOoOoO PiDgY wIdGy!1!1!1 I'm dOiNg GoOd nOw tHaT yOu mEsSaGeD!1! >w<" I smiled, Bandu was an online friend of mine. He was really sweet, had a funny sense of humor, and was very caring. I tapped on the tiny screen before me, we talked for a little while through messages, before switching over to voice calling.


Bandu's POV
I laughed hysterically at the jokes me and Pidge were cracking. "Ah, Pidge you never fail to make me laugh" I wipe fake tears from my face, chuckling still. I hear them giggle from the other side, their laugh was so contagious. "Well you know I am quite the jokester" they spoke, I can feel their smile as they responded. "Oh!! Oh!! Hey Bandu I've been meaning to ask you something!!" excitement laced within their voice.
They wanted to ask me something, oh god, what could it be?? My mind started racing, both negative and positive thoughts bouncing back in forth within my brain. "You still there silly goose?" they asked, I snapped out of my thoughts shaking my head. "Hm?? What's up??" I answer, trying to hide my nervousness. "Hmm, we'll I was wondering..If you wanted to maybe send each other selfies of ourselves!! You know since well-" the person behind the screen chuckled. "Well you know since we haven't seen each others faces throughout our 2 years of friendship" they continued. I anxiously swayed back and forth in my chair. Uh oh, was the only thing screaming in my brain.
"Umm- U-uhh well-!" I chocked out, voice cracking and everything. I gripped the arm rest on my chair, my stomach turning anxiety rising in me. "Hey! It's ok if you aren't comfortable doing that, I don't want to make you uncomfortable in anyway..I was just wondering that's all" they responded, their voice soft and comforting.
I bit my inner cheek and hesitantly responded, "Well I'm not uncomfortable it's just more like-" I trailer off. "I'm just nervous we'll, that I might not be all that.." I sighed sadly. "Aww hey Bandu it's ok!! I will never judge you for anything, especially on your looks" they answered, voice still spoken softly.
I smiled a little to myself, however before I was about to answer Pidge began to speak again. "Hey buddy, I gotta go get some shut eye. You have a goodnight!!" and just like that they hung up.
I got up, pacing around my room anxiously, a notification interrupting me from my thoughts. I walk back over to my computer seeing a message from Pidge. It was a photo, but it had a spoiler on it so I couldn't see it without clicking on it. The message below reading "This is me ^^' I know not much of a surprise but ta-da ig?? Anyways, again no pressure at all if you don't want to send a photo of yourself!! I don't want to make it seem like I'm pressuring you D: but I'm actually going to go to bed now so goodnight!! <3"
I clicked on the blurred image, my jaw dropping without me noticing. They were stunning huh?!? They wore a green and navy blue striped sweater in the photo. Their black locks perfectly framing their face. Brown eyes practically sparkling. If Bandu knew he had been talking to a beauty beforehand, he probably would have hit the highway by now.
Not because he wasn't interested in people but mostly because he thought he wasn't attractive enough for anyone.
He grabbed one of his many phones scattered around his room and opened the camera. He looked at himself on the screen, there was no way he could show himself to them. He sighed sadly before turning the phone off and chucking it somewhere in his room.
I sat back in my gaming chair, sinking downwards. Then a lightbulb went off in my head. What if I just pretended I was somebody else so I didn't have to actually show them the real me! It was the perfect plan, so I got right to work. Searching through the internet, finding images, and editing them. I looked at the final product that I had created. It was perfect, I grabbed the image and was about to send it.
My stomach twisted, I felt guilty for doing this. In fact, why am I doing this?? They all ready told me I didn't have to do this, so why am I sending them a fake image of someone? I fought back and forth with myself in my mind. Fuck it. I clicked send and turned off my computer.
I exhaled loudly, wiping my sweaty palms on my sweater. I turned off the lights and walked over to my cozy bed. As soon as my head hit the mattress, I yawned. Cuddling up within my bed, drifting off to sleep, not letting another thought disturb me.

I yawned, stretching my arms upward and slowly rolling out of bed. I scratch the back of my neck before heading towards my computer. I take a seat in my chair, cracking my knuckles before signing in. I had forgotten about the events of last night, well until I saw the message from Pidge.
I opened up the dm and immediately was hit with whiplash of what happened last night. I quickly turned my status on invisible. And didn't even bother reading the message they had sent.
My anxiety was to strong I had to get off and away from the internet for a while. I grabbed one of my many phones and quickly left my house.
As I walked around the 3D world my phone buzzed in my pocket. I all ready knew it was Pidge worried since I hadn't messaged anything since last night. The guilt was eating me alive, ugh why did I do that??
I sighed, taking my phone out and seeing all the worried messages from the raven headed human. My stomach twisted, I put my phone on do not disturb and kept walking.
It had been a couple hours and I finally was back home. I closed the door behind me and slides down towards the floor. I took out my phone turning of the dnd and opening the many messages from Pidge.
I sighed, I had definitely worried the poor being a lot. But I then scrolled up and saw the response to the "photo" I sent to them. It's like the world around me stopped. And the only real thing within it was me.
"Bandu you are so incredibly handsome!! I can see why you may have been nervous to show me yourself now, I bet a lot of people are head over heels for you ^^" the raven headed human has replied to the fake photo I sent. No, no they were wrong.
I was not someone a lot of people were "head over heels" for. No one likes me, I'm a burden to everyone I talk to, including my own sibling. Everyone always leaves me because I'm "weird" or "cringy". I was not the persona I made myself seem to be and I was done hiding behind that. I called Pidge, not sending a message before hand. I all ready knew they were going to pick up because I hadn't responded to them all day. And as soon as they did, I would tell them the truth about who I really was.

"So..the photo was fake?" they asked waiting for my confirmation. I had explained the entire story to them and how I was feeling. I just couldn't take it anymore. I sighed, fidgeting with my hands anxiously.
"It's ok if you don't want to talk to me anymore...I'm sorry I lied to you and I'm sorry for ignoring you.." sadness lacing my voice. "This is what I really look like by the way..I'm sorry it's so disappointing..I'm not the best looking person and I never really have been ever.." tears started forming from the corners of my eyes.
The other end was silent, I sniffled a little. "Pidge r-really really sorry.." I hiccuped, the water works now springing into action. Silence. "I messed up...I didn't mean to hurt you and I know im not handsome like you thought and im just some cringy weirdo on the sorry for wasting all your time.." my face stained with tears, wiping my dripping nose with my sleeve.
"Bandu" Pidge finally spoke, their tone was unrecognized to me. I wiped my eyes and sniffled, I didn't bother speaking. "Bandu listen..It's ok really. I was just worried something may have happened to you. And everything you said about yourself is not true. You are not "cringy" or "weird", you are such a caring and understanding person. Who has a funny sense of humor and an outgoing personality." their tone turned from the unrecognizable one to a comforting one. A slight bit of seriousness being held with in it as well.
"And don't say you aren't handsome because you definitely indeed are! You are breathtaking, like dude I'm surprised you don't have people going after you!! Look, the point is that...Bandu you are a handsome, caring, and loving person. And I will love you no matter what." the raven headed human spoke.
My face flushed, "D-do you really mean a-all that..?" I asked, voice cracking due to my crying. "Of course I meant it, it I didn't love you then I wouldn't have talked to you for this long. But ever since I've met you, you have made me the happiest person ever and I don't know what I would do without you in my life. Even if we are talking behind screens please know, you matter so much to me and I love you so incredibly much" their voice practically dripping loving words.
I smiled and chuckled too myself, wiping the stained tears away. "I love you so much pidgy widgy..." I croaked out, smiling like an idiot to myself. "I love you too" I could feel their smile through the screen.
Glad I wasn't such a buzz kill.

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