Sugar Crush?

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   I was so excited to finally spend a day with Pidge. I skipped humming to myself as I approached the entrance to their house. Pidge is a great friend of mine, it's been a while since we have hung out. But today Pidge said we were going to bake some sweets, which they obviously knew as my best friend, was my favorite type of food. I knock on the door, still humming to myself before the door opened to reveal the short raven headed human.
   "HELLOOOO PIDGY WIDGY!!" I exclaimed excitedly, practically hopping up and down. They smiled, "Bandu it's been so long!!" they enveloped me in a warm hug. My head felt fuzzy, their embrace was so comforting to me, however, it didn't last forever as they detached themself from the hug. "Come on in" they waved their hand motioning me to come inside. I practically ran inside and made my way to the kitchen as fast as possible, hearing them close the door behind me.
   "PIDGY!! HURRY HURRY!! I WANT BROWNIES" I squealed, all ready bouncing off the walls with how hyper I was. They giggled at my behavior, "calm down bandu I got to preheat  the oven before we do start baking anything silly" they poked my cheek playfully, my cheeks flushed slightly at their action. "Dawww, why does baking gotta have so many stepppss" I whined, pouting slightly. They patted my head gently before fetching the ingredients to begin baking the brownies.
   I wasn't really the best at these things, after all the last time me and Pidge tried to bake something I almost set the entire house on fire. But that never stopped me from watching them through the process of making them. In fact, I actually quite enjoyed that more then having to do it. Observing how all these different ingredients were able to create such a delicious dessert always fascinated me.
I watched as they poured the chocolate mixture into a large tin, before entering it into the oven. They looked over at me and smiled, my stomach fluttered, "why do I feel like this?" I thought to myself. I tried my best to brush off these odd feelings I was experiencing, I didn't want to ruin my time spent with Pidge. After all, it had been a while since we had seen each other. I wasn't going to let these weird feelings get to me.
   "Bandu want to lick the spoon?" they giggled waving the spoon playfully, being careful not to spill any chocolate on the ground. "Come on I know it's ur favorite part of the baking process" they giggled handing the spoon to me which I happily took licking the spoon like it were a giant lollipop.
   After licking off all the chocolate I licked my lips, thinking I had gotten whatever chocolate on my face off. However, I heard giggling admitting from the short person across from me. I tilted my head, "what's so funny Pidgy?" I asked curiously. They snickered, before taking the spoon from me and putting it into the sink. "Heyyyy Pidgy what is it?? tell meeee" I crossed my arms and bit my inner cheek gently.
   They grabbed a cloth and ran it under some warm water before walking towards me. "What are you going to do with- mph!-" I was silenced by the warm rag they were cleaning my face with. My face heated up and the fluttering feeling in my stomach began again. As soon as they finished cleaning me up, my face was bright red. They looked at me concerned, "Bandu your face is all red, are you feeling alright?" they asked, concern written all over their face. I gulped and nodded quickly, "I'm ok pidgy!! Maybe it was just the u-uh warm towel!!" I nervously answered, it didn't change how I was feeling though. "Bandu are you sure you are ok?? You look awfully red" they placed a hand on my cheek, I gently pushed their hand away.
   They looked at me a little stunned from my actions. "Pidge.." I began, holding my stomach which was now fluttering to a point where I could no longer ignore it. "What is it Bandu??" they asked, clearly worried about my condition. "Why do I feel like this when I'm around you??" I responded shakily. They furrowed their brows, not seeming to understand my question. I asked again, this time trying to be more specific. "Pidge, why do I feel so warm around you?? My head feels so fuzzy and my stomach feels like there are thousands of butterflies inside. I don't understand, what does this mean??" I asked worriedly, looking up at them.
   The beeping of the oven went off, Pidge quickly took the brownies out of the oven before returning to Bandu. They rubbed their head, almost like they were trying to find a way to explain this to me. "Bandu I-..we'll maybe it's.." they trailed off, they didn't really know how to put it. I twiddled with my fingers, looking down towards the ground, trying to get these feelings away. I felt a warm hand reach towards my fidgeting ones and hold them both gently. My eyes widened as I looked upwards towards the raven headed person.
   "Bandu..have you ever thought maybe your feelings towards me maybe different then loving me as a friend?" they spoke softly towards me. Their voice made me feel much more at ease. I thought about it, was this not how it felt to be around a friend?? It was difficult for me to comprehend this feeling since, well, I didn't really have that many friends. I sighed, "Pidgy is it not normal to feel this way around a friend?" I asked, a hint of sadness in my voice.
   They noticed this however, and quickly responded as to not make me begin to overthink. "No!! I didn't it mean it rudely Bandu I'm sorry-" they exclaimed before enveloping me in a hug. That warm comforting feeling coming back, I slowly wrapped my arms around them and rested my face on their shoulder. "Pidgy, if I told you I loved you promise to not abandon everyone else did.." I whispered quietly. They kissed my forehead lovingly, "I promise Bandu and besides, who would ever want to leave such a fun person like you behind" they giggled, patting my head.
   I felt relieved, at ease knowing what those strange feelings meant now. They sliced the now warm brownies into pieces, handing me one on a plate. I smiled towards the short being, now this was better then any other sweet Bandu had ever had. Cause now the sweetest person in his life was them.

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