Cuddle Bug

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Hi there reader! :D
Super sorry for posting this story late, I had very little motivation to write. I was also very busy with school work since my quarter is ending this week. Sorry this story is a little rushed but I hope you like it anyways! Once again thank you all for the support I hope you all enjoy!! ^^


Bambi's POV
It was a very still, silent morning. I mean well, I can't say it was sunny out because, it was dark. I'm a farmer, a corn farmer specifically. I take my job very VERY seriously. However, this morning was different from the others. As I was working through the fields of crops, my mind was wondering to somebody.
Bug was a close friend of mine, we get along pretty well. Which is surprising because the only other person I get along with is Dave. Difference between them though was well, a lot actually.
Bug was a short, about 5'1 raven headed human. With bangs that would cover their eyes when they grew out long enough. They had a very good sense of humor that I can hop on board with pretty fast. But they were also very kind and loyal as a friend. They meant a lot to me, like really. I sorta, kinda had a thing for Bug. But I never would openly admit that. That's well- out of character for me I guess.
But anyways, I tried to shake off those thoughts and focus on tending to my corn. No matter how hard I tried to though, I couldn't get them out of my head.


It was late afternoon, I had been kind of lousy with my work today though. Which is unusual since I'm very fond of corn. But today I just wasn't feeling that spark. I couldn't get my mind off Bug. It was like they had infiltrated my brain. I wiped the sweat off my face and sighed. If only they knew how head over heels I was over them.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. I grabbed my phone, fumbling with it a bit before reading the message. "Hey Bamb! I was wondering if you aren't busy today, you would maybe want to hangout?? If you are busy though that's totally ok!! I was just wondering :)" the message read from the raven headed being.
I felt my face flush as I smiled to myself. Huh, it's like they were reading my mind or something. Pft, like that could be a thing. I responded quickly to them, "Hello stink bug >:/ I guess I can make an acceptation and hang with you today." I kicked my foot in the dirt a little before feeling my phone buzz again. "Aww you know you want me over there! ;3 I'll be over in 20 minutes" the message had read. Oh we're they right with that.
I sat on the porch, kicking my feet back and forth waiting for them to arrive. Soon enough their they were. I felt my cheeks warm up, "hey there stink bug." They ran up to me smiling and moving the hair out of their eyes. "Hi bamb!!" they hugged me tightly. I smiled, their embrace was so warm. The raven head let go and began to ask, "so what do you wanna do bamb?"
I pondered for a little bit before replying, "do you want to watch a movie? I'm pretty much finished with my work for today" I scratched the back of my neck nervously.  Their eyes gleamed brightly, "yeah of course!! Let's head inside" they smiled, reaching for my hand. I looked at their hand hesitantly. "Aw come on ya goof" they pulled me up quickly causing me to yelp in surprise.
We made our way inside, "Do you want some homemade popcorn??" I smirked. "Ya know since I got a whole ass corn farm and all" I said sarcastically earning a giggle from the being on the couch. "That sounds good" they replied while looking for a movie to put on.
I made my way over to the kitchen preparing the popcorn. "I found a movie bamb!! You are going to so love this!" the raven headed human yelled out loud from the living room. I smiled like an idiot, they were so cute. I made my way back with the bowl of popcorn and sat beside the dark haired human. We both made ourselves comfortable and began to watch the movie.
About half way through the movie Bug had began dozing off. I smiled a little feeling my cheeks warm up at the sight of them. The human beside me slightly leaned themselves against me, causing my face to heat up more. "U-uh hey- stink bug what are you-" my voice cracked nervously. They looked up at me with tired eyes and yawned. "Sorry bamb" they began before starting to adjust themselves away. But without realizing I had quickly shouted, "No wait!-" The being beside me looked at me, their eyes still tired looking.
I gulped nervously, "i-it's fine you can do that if you want I don't care" I spat out quickly avoiding eye contact with them. I felt their arms embrace me as they snuggled up against me. My face was burning up, as my body tensed up a little. The dark haired being sighed and laid their head against me. "Hey bamb.." the being embracing me spoke. "What is I-it?" I nervously responded mentally slapping myself for stuttering.
"I really like you.." the being embracing me spoke, watching ahead of them as the movie credits began to scroll on the tv. "More then I friend I mean" they giggled quietly to themselves. My body began to relax, I gently ran my fingers through their dark locks. They hummed and their embrace tightened a little. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear that.." I responded softly.
The dark haired human shot up quickly at those words. "R-really?" they spat out surprised of my response. Their tired look had faded away by then and what replaced it was surprise. This time I was the one leaning in and embracing them. "Yeah I've liked you for a long time.." I softly said hiding my face in their chest.
I looked up at them nervously and could see their red face. But before I could speak again, their lips intertwined with mine causing my eyes to shoot open widely. The raven head pulled away, slowly pulling me down so that we both were laying next to each other. They hugged me gently. "I love you.." they whispered. I practically melted by those words and whispered back "I love you too stink bug..♡"

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