Worth it for you

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Hi there reader!
Before continuing this story I would like to put a few trigger warnings!! This story is based off my own personal events and will include mentions of $eWer $l!d3. If you are not comfortable with that please skip this chapter or do not read beyond this point. I would also like to add that this is platonic and not romantic.
Thanks! Enjoy :)


I sat curled up, alone, feeling nothing but betrayal and emptiness. The world around me red, as I was in the 3D world near expunged's area. I didn't want too see anyone, I didn't want to talk to anyone, all I wanted to do was disappear forever.
Who knew heartbreak could hurt this much, it's not like I haven't experienced this before, I've been in a couple relationships before this one. Yet, this time the pain was much more harsher and the feeling of loneliness was off the charts.
I sobbed loudly into my black oversized hoodie, I didn't care who heard me. I just wanted to go away, to never be able to feel like this again, to never love again. Little did I know, someone had been watching me from not too far away.

Expunged's POV
I watched as the small form curled up sobbed loudly to themselves. I wondered to myself what was wrong, I know this person as Pidge aka one of Bandu's only friends. Though I didn't talk to them much, it looked like they were in a very deep sorrow.
I hesitated a little, I wasn't the best with dealing with others emotions. After all, I'm mostly known as the "evil" type. I sighed, I couldn't just leave them here alone like this, I decided to push away my feelings of hesitation and began walking over towards the crouched figure.
I slowly approached the raven headed human and gently patted their shoulder. They turned around quickly and backed up a little from the position they originally were in. I sweated nervously, after all I never really interacted with them, heck I didn't even know that much about them! But something inside me told me that this was the right thing for me to do at this moment.
"E-expunged?" they sniffled, wiping their eyes quickly to make it look like they weren't crying. "Pidge...uh-" I began but couldn't really find a way to put my thoughts into words. "Listen" they stated, sadness filling their voice. "If you are here to bother me then now isn't really the time. I'd rather be alone right now. So please go away.." they curled up again, hiding their face within their knees. "Pidge are you ok?" I finally managed to say. No response. I sighed and sat beside them, they moved their body away from me. "Do you..do you want to talk about it?" I asked towards the crouched person before me.
They sniffled, "why would you care anyways..it's not like you care for your own brother.." they wiped their dripping nose. I shuffled in my seated position awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I really never meant to push my brother away like that. I want to talk to him again but-" I sighed and looked down. "I don't know if he would give me that chance" I spoke quietly to myself more then to the raven headed human.
I heard a shaky exhale come from the short form beside me. They moved their body towards me, still in their crouched position. "If I tell you.." their voice shaking slightly. "Do you p-promise not to tell anyone a-about this..?" they stuttered out. I nodded and they wiped their eyes before starting.
  "I fucked up big time.." their eyes began watering again. "My boyfriend broke up with me.." tears began falling down their rosy cheeks. Personally, I have never felt any heartbreak whatsoever, relationships to me were out of the question. It's not like I wouldn't want to be in one but I feel like I wouldn't be the right person to be in one. I mean after all, I am technically a 3D figure.
I gently patted their back, waiting for them to continue. They hiccuped and continued sniffling. "He told me I was the most untrustworthy person he had ever met.." they spoke, voice shaking because of them crying. "H-he also said I-..that I wasn't good enough..and that I need to work on myself before anybody ever chooses t-to love me.." they began to sob again after that.
As I was about to speak the being beside me began again, "but I have been doing that!!" they exclaimed loudly, sadness but now anger also lacing their voice. "He doesn't get it!! He doesn't fucking understand!!" they pounded their fist onto the ground next to me harshly. "Why is it always when I think it's getting better, the world decides to fuck me over again.." they pulled at their black locks of hair. "I don't want to-" they sobbed. "I don't want to do this anymore.." they chocked out.
I sat there, letting all this information float into my brain. Even though I didn't know Pidge that well, I still felt super bad for the situation they had just experienced. I didn't really know what to say, but I did the next best possible thing I could do and embraced them into a hug.
They didn't hug back though, but only continued crying. I gently rubbed their back, trying to calm them down. They hiccuped and wiped their eyes. "Expunged.." the raven headed human within my arms said softly. "Hm?" I said looking down at the human. "Is there anyway you can..you know..kill me.." they smiled a little to themselves, tears staining their red face. My body stiffened, I can't let them do this to themselves, not over a stupid jerk who broke their heart.
"Pidge no, stop that" I said in a serious tone. All they did was quietly laugh to themselves. "Listen to me Pidge" I gently unraveled myself from the embrace and made the human look at me. "That guys words are meaningless, he means nothing. He wasn't worth your time and you were to good for him anyways. Listen the point is, Pidge you matter a lot, don't throw the chance of living away just because of an idiot like him who broke your heart! It's not worth it" I ranted towards them, the expression on their face blank. "Pidge you are loved by so many, I know for a fact Bandu loves you so much and im sure he would be devastated if you were to leave him alone just like that. Think about your family as well, im sure they all love you very much and would also feel extremely depressed if you were too-" I coughed trying to avoid the word. "You are worth it Pidge.." I gently placed my hands on their shoulders, giving them a loving squeeze.
"I know we don't know each other well..but I want you to know that you are worth everything" I smiled a little. Their blank expression changed to a small smile, tears forming from their glossy eyes. They immediately embraced me into a tight hug. I yelped a little, since it was so sudden, but returned the hug back.
"People are wrong about you.." they chuckled quietly. "You are really great expunged, thank you.." they rested their head on my chest. I smiled, brushing my fingers through their dark hair. "You aernt so bad yourself" I kindly spoke towards the tiny being.
From then on, I had developed a sweet spot for the human they called Pidge.

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