♡ 𝖠 𝖥𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝖸𝗈𝗎 𝖬𝖺𝗒 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 ♡ - ❤️‍🩹

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It was difficult for him to open up. Therapy never worked, he never trusted the therapist. He told someone and they told him that he was 'overreacting', and that he needed to get over it. So, he stopped seeking help. He focused on his studies and his grades. He put it all to the back of his mind and focused on being a better student, a better anthropologist, a better person. Because he felt like such a burden to those he so much as breathed around.

So, naturally, it came as a surprise when he found Amami knocking at his door late one night, holding fluffy blankets and trays of food and chocolate milk, asking, "Is it alright if I sleep with you tonight?...". Of course, trying to be a better person, who was he to refuse?

"Please, come in. Make yourself at home,"

Light chat was made while food was eaten and the milk was drank, and Shinguuji found himself enjoying Amami's company. He was caring and understanding, soft and gentle but funny and confident at the same time. He treated everyone like they were glass, careful not to drop and shatter them. For the first time in what felt like forever, Shinguuji felt like he had a friend, someone to rely on. Someone he could trust.

So, when it became to much that night, instead of hurting himself, he gathered the courage and made his way to Amami's dorm, still in his uniform. Amami opened the door immediately, as if he had been waiting, and welcomed Shinguuji in.

"Hey, Shinguuji-kun, why are you up so late?" He joked.

"Ah, I wanted to speak with you about a few things bothering me, if you don't mind. I wouldn't want to be a burden to you, so feel free to reject if you are uncomfortable with that."

Amami laughed softly. Shinguuji found it soothing, it was a welcoming sound to most. Shinguuji was intrigued by the way Amami laughed. It was so carefree and gentle, it was like everything in the world was fine. And yet his eyes never laughed, or smiled. It all seemed fake to Shinguuji, like maybe he wasn't the only one feigning happiness, deceiving others so as to not be a burden. But maybe Shinguuji was overthinking things again. Sometimes he didn't know, but sometimes it didn't matter.

"No, it's alright, really. What's bothering you?" He sat down cross-legged on his bed, patting the space next to him with his hand, his bracelets sliding up and down his wrist at the motion, clanging together occasionally. Shinguuji flushed out of embarrassment at the kind gesture, immediately beginning to feel guilty about taking up space in Amami's room.

"Well, you see, a lot of... memories from my childhood have been coming back to taunt me recently, and I figured that it was unhealthy to refrain myself from freely expressing my emotions so I decided to see if talking about them helps, if that is okay with you, of course?"

Amami was silent for a moment, attempting to decipher what Shinguuji said into manageable terms, before smiling and nodding his head. "That's fine, it's bad not to talk about your feelings, like you said. I'd be happy to listen and help you!" He stated kindly.

Shinguuji smiled under his mask, appreciating Amami's assurance, and shifted on the bed getting more comfortable.

"Well, I hope I don't ramble on too much and bore you..." Shinguuji started.

"Well, it all started when I was a child. I had a relatively normal childhood, 2 loving parents and my older sister..."


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