♡ 𝖡𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖺 𝖡𝗈𝗒𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 ♡ - 💖

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Shinguuji was bouncing his leg nervously. He planned on going to the cafe his boyfriend worked at to hang out with him, but he didn't know if it was such a good idea anymore. He couldn't cancel because he didn't have a good excuse and he didn't want to disappoint Amami, so he ignored the growing anxiety in his stomach.

The bell rang signalling the end of class, and Shinguuji packed his books away quickly and was out of the classroom before anyone else. He was walking quickly down the hallways. Because he didn't take the bus, he could go to his locker with no worry of missing the bus. His mind went blank as he thought of what books he needed for homework and he stood awkwardly by his locker trying to think.

Maths, Spanish, Science...what else? English?

Shinguuji shrugged and tossed random books into his bag before slamming his locker door closed and walking off. He slung his bag over his shoulder and ignored the weight of it before leaving the school through a mass crowd of students.

When he found himself (miraculously) outside the school, he took his phone out of his back and turned it on, before checking any notifications. When he noticed no messages, he put his phone back in his bag and continued his walk to the cafe.

He opened the door and ignored the little ding the bell made. He took in the smell of coffee and he felt himself relax a bit. He took a seat by the window that had a chair opposite him and waited for his boyfriend to show up. He admired the people walking outside and just enjoyed the calming atmosphere of the cafe. He took his books out of his bag next to him and stuck himself into his homework, half hoping Amami showed up quicker. He had started his science homework, atomic structure, and was drawing out the diagram for Neon when he was startled out of his work.

"What'cha doin'?"

Shinguuji raised his head from his work and was greeted by the friendly smile of his boyfriend. He was still wearing the apron he used for work but he had a white t-shirt on underneath it and plain grey sweatpants. He had two cups of coffee in front of him, both steaming and warm. The barista pushed one of the cups towards Shinguuji and held the other one in his hand. The coffee was accompanied by a harmless wink. Shinguuji felt his cheeks go a little pink under the mask but he ignored it; he was always like this around Amami.

Shinguuji pulled his mask down and took a sip of the coffee before pulling the mask back up. He noticed the curious barista looking at his homework.

Shinguuji knew Amami wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed - hell, he might be the bluntest - but that didn't mean he hated school. After Amami had came out to his parents, they kicked him out of the house and he was forced to quit school as a result to work at the cafe full time in order to pay rent for his shitty apartment. Amami missed going to school and seeing his friends, and Shinguuji knew that he was really struggling because of it.

"Are you okay, Amami-kun? You seem sad,"

The green haired boy returned his focus to Shinguuji and nodded his head cheerfully.

"I'm fine, babe. Just tired,"

Shinguuji blushed at the pet name and took another sip of his coffee. Amami seemed to be too deep in thought to notice Shinguuji's pink face so he took the time to calm down as quick as possible.

"Mind if I braid your hair? I used to do it with my sisters, so I'm pretty good at it!"

Shinguuji smiled beneath his mask and nodded his head. Amami grinned and stood up, making his way behind Shinguuji. The taller boy reached into his school bag and pulled out a hairbrush and hair tie, handing both to the barista. Amami took both and made quick work of brushing Shinguuji's hair. He put the hairbrush down onto the table and sectioned the black haired boys hair into three.

Shinguuji stayed as still as he could as his boyfriend weaved his hair around into a braid. When he was done braiding the tallers hair, he threw it around his shoulder and walked back to his seat, taking a sip of his coffee as he watched Shinguuji admire the braid.

For a while longer they talked. Because it was Amami's break, they could talk for a while until he was forced to go back to work. They talked about how Shinguuji's day was in school, how Amami's day was going so far and when they would go on another proper date. Shinguuji promised to take Amami on a real date, to do whatever he liked. Amami blushed - a sight that Shinguuji loved - and thanked him.

When Amami's co-worker walked over to him and informed him that his break was over, he stood up and brushed himself off.

"See ya babe, I'm looking forward to that date!"

Amami smiled and began to walk away. Shinguuji felt bad for him; he was stuck serving people their coffee for 11 hours (7AM to 6PM) and he had to do that everyday with only a one hour break and was severely underpaid in Shinguuji's opinion. Shinguuji stood up and grabbed Amami's wrist firmly. Shinguuji pulled Amami towards him and hugged him. The shorter seemed a bit shocked at first because Shinguuji was never one for any sort of PDA - platonic or romantic - but he melted into the hug quickly, wrapping his arms around his boyfriends chest. Shinguuji pulled away blushing profusely before pulling his mask down to kiss Amami's forehead before walking back to his table.

Amami stood stunned for a minute before he walked around the back, smiling.

The kiss replaying in his head for the rest of the day.

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