♡ 𝖭𝗈𝗍 𝖺 𝗀𝖺𝗆𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 ♡ - ❤️‍🔥

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The game they were in certainly wasn't a game for love. Under no circumstances was it. It wasn't a game for friendship, or trusting, or love. So Shinguuji distanced himself from everyone. He was more interested in how everyone reacted to the game. The game itself was disgusting. Cruel, horrid, but that was just another aspect of humanity that was beautiful.

Most were scared of what was to come. Some had hope, some were in despair already, and some didn't care. But one person stood out to Shinguuji.

Amami Rantaro.

He didn't have hope, but he wasn't in despair and it's not like he didn't care. He wanted to get out but Shinguuji couldn't put a name on how Amami was reacting. Determined? No, that was Akamatsu. Cautious? Yes, he seemed cautious but he was friends with everyone. Was that so they wouldn't kill him? Or, maybe Amami was the mastermind. Whatever the reason, it was beautiful. Shinguuji would almost go as far as saying that it was the most beautiful out of everything, but he couldn't say that. He'd disappoint Her.

But, unfortunately for him, he had already disappointed Her. He disappointed Her and no matter how many times he apologised She didn't respond. He was upset at himself, and hoped She would forgive him, but for now, he had to do everything right. He had to please Her.

He started by not talking to Amami. Shinguuji would avoid him as much as possible. Shinguuji scribbed his name out of his diary and as much as it hurt him, She had assumed that Shinguuji caught feelings and argued with him, and he couldn't bear for Her to be mad at him.

He wouldn't eat if Amami was in the room and if he entered, Shinguuji would excuse himself. But no matter what he did, She would not talk to him. Because no matter what he did, he could not get rid of the feelings he felt around Amami.

He could not take back the many, many thoughts he had about the other boy. He could not take back the sleepless nights where the other occupied his mind and body. He could not take back everything he already knew about the other and he could not take back the want to know more. He could not take back the polite but casual conversations they shared. He could not take back the secrets he almost told and he could not take back the curiosity for the secrets Amami was hiding. He could not take it back, and it was almost as if he didn't want to.

He tried everything but She wouldn't listen. Someone was knocking on the door. He stopped tugging on his hair and instantly regained his composure. He quickly ran a brush through his hair before answering the door. Amami stood outside, nervously fidgeting with the rings on his fingers. He gave a relieved smile but before he could utter a word out, the door was already closed again. Shinguuji stayed still on the other side of the door, half hoping Amami would knock again, half hoping he would leave. Amami stayed standing outside the door. He didn't knock but he didn't leave.

They were on opposite sides of the door, hoping the other would do something. The silence became unbearable for Shinguuji. He opened the door and stared at Amami, who stared back. He went to close the door again but Amami put his foot in the way. All Shinguuji did was look. All he could do was look. Amami pushed his way into Shinguuji's room who did nothing to stop him. They both stood awkwardly in Shinguuji's room, neither talking.

"Hey Shinguuji-kun..."

Amami was the first to talk. A casual greeting albeit a little awkward because of how long it had been since they talked. Shinguuji didn't respond.

"Uhm... I just came to... make sure you were okay..."

Shinguuji knew that was a lie. He knew it. He stared into Amami's eyes, the same eyes he had imagined either staring innocently at him or crying as an unsilent plea for more. Shinguuji still didn't respond. Amami swallowed and stared back at Shinguuji, feeling like he was silently being judged. Shinguuji decided to speak up.

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