♡ 𝖨 𝖫𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝖸𝗈𝗎 ♡ - 💖

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I know a lot.

More than most 7 year olds know, anyway.

Boys my age like playing football, or making fun of girls or picking on me.

Girls my age like talking about unicorns, or princesses or also picking on me.

But me and Rantaro aren't like that.

I don't like anything but Rantaro and everything he likes. Rantaro likes frogs and plants and going out on adventures and being alone with me. I like Rantaro. People think it's cute when I say that, but I do. I like Rantaro.

Me and Rantaro had a lot in common, which is how we became friends. We both liked travelling and meeting new people. All the girls like Rantaro but he says they're annoying and stuck up for picking on me. He's nice like that.

Whenever we go on school trips, he always is my partner. He likes to talk to me on the bus, or if we're walking or anything like that. He never want me to feel lonely. He's always by my side, especially when I need him. I'm always there when he needs me, as well.

He doesn't make fun of me at all for my mask or my long hair. He said my hair was pretty and that the mask I wear makes me more interesting. He always says I'm very pretty, but I think he's prettier.

Rantaro has sisters, like me. I only have Sister, but Rantaro has more. He has 5 sisters, and he says his mother is having another one. I'm not sure if Rantaro gets a lot of attention at home with all those sisters, but I can't say that I get much attention either.

Sometimes when I don't want to go home, Rantaro takes me to the forest. There's a really pretty river there and it has loads of frogs, and it always makes Rantaro happy. I think frogs are slimy and gross, but sometimes they're nice to look at.

I don't want to go home today, so Rantaro is taking me there again. I noticed that Rantaro forgets a lot of stuff, and he forgot his coat today. He's lucky I always bring a spare one. He takes my hand and drags me away from school when the bell rings. He's excited to see the frogs, he says that the frogs have babies now.

I don't know how Rantaro remembers the way to the river every time, because there's a lot of twists and bends to get there, but maybe he just comes here so often that it's stuck in his memory. We stop at the river and he's right, the frogs do have babies. The tadpoles grew up and are now baby frogs. He looks happy to see them like this, so I'm happy.

Sister always tells me to never take off my mask in front of people she doesn't trust, but she doesn't know I'm here so it won't hurt. I take my mask off and stuff it in my jacket pocket. Rantaro smiles wider and gets excited. I smile back at him.

It's spring and it's cold out, but the flowers on the other side of the river are pretty. I let go of Rantaro's hand and hop on the rocks in the river to get to the other side. He gets curious and follows me. I smile when I see him follow me.

I go over to the flowers and pick up a baby pink one. I twirl it around in my finger before I turn around to Rantaro and put it in his hair, just above his ear. He pouts and picks up a yellow flower, putting it in my hair. Then he smiles.

"When we get older, I'm gonna marry you, Rantaro."

He smiles at me, again.


I smile at him and hold his hand again. He goes on his tippy-toes and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I do the same to him.

Yeah, I'm gonna marry him.

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