♡ 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖮𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝗐𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖠𝗐𝖺𝗒 ♡ - 💔

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It was silent throughout the kitchen except for the occasional sound of something falling into a pot of water. Their mother and father had gone to get the groceries for dinner, and the two children were left to peel potatoes together.

Korekiyo didn't need to stand on a stool, even though he was only about 6 years old. He was strangely tall for a child. His sister stood next to him. They were peeling away, separating the peelings from the potato. Each on would fall into the water and splash onto Korekiyo's face. He was a child and found it amusing, but stopped giggling when his sister harshly slapped him on the back of the head.

"Laughing at water splashing is what immature, annoying children do. Stop."

Her voice was firm, cold.

"I apologise, Sister."

Korekiyo cherished moments like these. It was only him with his sister, and he loved spending time with her. They were standing next to eachother. Korekiyo leaned over the pot and stared at his reflection. His hair fell just below his chin and was slightly wavy, he noticed that those genes came from his father. His hair and eye colour came from his mother.

He ignored the purplish bruise forming slowly around his eye. He had annoyed Sister earlier and she was having a bad enough day. That one was on him. There was a small but deep cut made on his lip, the blood was wiped off of it. He had accidentally dropped a glass and Sister had heard. That one was also on him. There was also another bruise forming on his cheek. He had just come home from school when Sister had given that to him. He didn't know why, but it was also probably his fault and he deserved it.

"Stop staring at yourself, it'll make you vain and cruel and you'll forget about your dear older sister. Besides, your ugly enough as you are, even without those injuries on your face."

Her voice was still cold.

"I apologise, Sister."

They went back to silence before his sister broke it again, her voice warm and soft again.

"Your hair is coming along quite nicely, dear. Have you been asking Mother to do it as I've told you?"

"Yes, I've even been using the same shampoo as you as well. It's making my hair grow faster, I think."

His sister paused.

"I don't like your hair wavy, it makes you uglier."

The cruel words she said were said with a warm tone, so Korekiyo just assumed she was right and that he was ugly and that if he wants to be pretty, he should look like Sister. He leaned over and looked at his reflection again, trying to imagine himself with longer, straight hair. He was pulled out of his thoughts with a sharp tug of his hair, the force enough to push him to the ground.

"Did I not tell you stop, you ignorant child? I've already given you 3 warnings, you're long past a punishment. Stand up, now."

While he didn't like to admit it, the young boy was trembling in fear. He stood up at his sister's wishes though, and braced himself for the incoming pain, whatever it may be.


Now, as he stood at her funeral, he couldn't find it in himself to cry. He constantly told himself it was because Sister wouldn't have wanted him too, but his long, curly hair, lack of makeup and not in uniform, it was clear that he was rebelling to all of her abuse now - subconsciously, that is.

His mother stood next to him, looking exactly like Sister, but she was warmer, more inviting when she opened her arms in a silent request for a hug from her baby boy as her eyes filled with tears. He embraced his mother, towering over her ith his height.

A few distant relatives had already made a comment or two on how tall he was, especially for a 14 year old. He towered over all his cousins, even some of the older ones. Still, he heard a few snarky comments in his hair length and how silent he was for a boy his age. He brushed those off, holding his mother tightly as she cried into his shoulder and ran her hands lovingly through his hair.

Oh, and if it wasn't the sadness of his mother after losing the love of her life and her daughter that made him cry, it was the cruel memories of her running her hands through his hair.

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