Chapter 11 | Irving Hall

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I'm excited to write this.

Wow, I was gone long enough for the To Be Continued... to have a date instead of X days ago.

I'm here now! :)

I opened up my computer with the song Off To Work playing by Daniel Ho and many others and it fit the mood perfectly haha. It's a great song, too.

Here's the thing: this WILL be 20 chapters. In my absence, I planned the whole thing out. So now I just need to find the time to write! Haha

Let me just say this: there's not exactly a straight explanation for all that happens at the rally. And me, a disaster multishipper, as well as many others, have the power to interpret it in SEVERAL different ways. So let's see how this goes.

Keep in mind I'm a multishipper who writes at midnight and is sleep deprived. So ... yeah haha.

I literally almost forgot how I wanted to open up this chapter I'm so glad I remembered haha.

So how does it open? Let's see! :)

Enjoy! :)


Jack wakes up to the sun in his eyes. His eyes blink open wearily, then once realizing they see sun, look down again.

Where am I?

Once his eyes are more adjusted to the light, he takes a moment to look at his surroundings.

That's when it all comes back.

Last night, Snyder came to the lodging house--something that should never happen. Somehow, Jack was able to go unnoticed, but he still knew that he wouldn't be safe there with Snyder poking around. That's when he went to the only other safe place he could think of in that moment: the Jacobs family's apartment.

And since he's still pretty sure David is rightfully mad at him, he's outside Sarah's window instead of David's.

So that's how and why he's here.

Yeah, last night wasn't his best night.

There is one good thing that stood out to him, though.

"Oh, you mean Jack Kelly." Race took a step forward, looking down, cigar in his mouth, scratching the back of his head, pretending to be deep in thought. Then he looked back up. "Yeah, he was here." And then came the witty punchline. "But he put an egg in his shoe, and ... beat it." His tongue flicked out-and-in, smirk on his face, getting every resident of the lodging house to chuckle and/or snicker.

Jack chuckles at the memory. "Oh, Race." Someone he can always count on.

He's grateful for all the newsies, really. Yeah, they're all loyal to him as one is to a leader, but they're also loyal to him as one is to a friend.

But instead of being with them, now he's here.

Why didn't I go to Medda's theatre? Jack asks himself suddenly. That actually may have been a more logical place to go. Medda would have welcomed him. But Jack already knows the answer of why he went here.

He wanted to be where David was.

Because even if they aren't on the best terms right now, David will always be the one thing in this world that makes sense.

You need to show me that you've changed, David's words echo in his head. Or that you can change.

And so Jack will. Tonight, he can show David that he can be the best leader anyone could ask for.

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