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12:24 am

"Are you going to bed?" I asked Travis as he picked up his empty mug and headed for the kitchen. I sat back on the couch after putting my phone back on the coffee table, curling my freezing feet under me.

Travis looked over at me, his eyes searching me for a reason to my question. I was hoping I was keeping my composure as best I could. "Are you staying up?"

"Uhh... Yeah." I shrugged. "Why not?"

My tiredness had worn off and replaced with a layer of fear. I didn't want to go to bed yet and I was hoping Travis wouldn't leave me down here alone. Travis nodded and found his way back to the couch. I wanted to talk to him but I honestly wasn't good at small talk. But I had to try, right? If we were going to stay up and do nothing for awhile, we might as well not sit in an awkward silence.

"How old are you?" I asked, resting my arms over my knees as I tilted my head at Travis.

He looked back at me. "19. I'm heading off to college after we leave here."

"Really? What college?"

"West Chester university."

"Isn't that near Harlem State?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I was thinking about going to Harlem state." Travis nodded. How do I continue from this? "Are you excited for college?"

"Kind of. Ready to live my own life for once. You?"

"Eh. Harlem State is kind of far from where I live and family's starting to feel more and more important to me for some reason."

"You're afraid to leave home?"

"Im not afraid of leaving..." I pondered over the right form of words to explain how I felt. It would probably sound ridiculous no matter how I said it. So instead, I went around it. "I would just hate to leave them behind."

"I'm sure your mom can take of herself and your sister." The caring smirk on Travis's face made me smile at him, but I knew he was only being nice and he didn't know the whole story. But it was sweet of him to try and reassure me.

"I'm trying to convince myself that." I shrugged and looked back at the tv.

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