the copper king meets the dap duo

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It was a peaceful day for Pixandria but not for the ruler Pixlriffs, as he was just minding his own business when a shadow came up behind him he didn't notice until the shadow brought out an axe of course Pix noticed the shadow and very quickly grabbed his trident and was about to strike this shadow with lighting there stood a green blob with fluffy brown hair and glasses?! Pix was going to ask who they where but the green blob said "Quackity you can't just hit a random person with an axe" before Quackity could respond Pix said very angrily "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY WHERE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME" they both turned their attention to the angry king, the blob immediately turned around to Pix and said "I'm very sorry about him...... may we know who you are" "I'm Pixlriffs ruler of Pixandria and you people are" "I'm Charlie and this is Quackity" Charlie said pointing to the sketchy looking man with jet black hair *long pause* "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can you tell us where we are" Quackity said looking around in confusion. Pix looked at them like the where trash or something and went "I told you this is pixandria did you not hear me the first time" he said quite annoyed the duo exchanged confused looks Pix signed and said "Look we have have two options here it's either you leave me alone and go bother someone else or i could take you in my house since it's getting dark soon". The duo nodded so Pix took them in he really did not like Quackity but Charlie seemed to be fond of the man that looks like a drug dealer so he has to put up with him JUST GREAT

 The duo nodded so Pix took them in he really did not like Quackity but Charlie seemed to be fond of the man that looks like a drug dealer so he has to put up with him JUST GREAT

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(art not mine)

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