Scott meets a few females

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Scott is related to a demon and is a god's champion he has developed the emotions to just not care anymore but when he saw a sheep in a pirate costume, another pink haired girl, and a woman covered from head to toe in roses and remined him of a certain flower girl.
He didn't have time to think about that he knew very well that they where not from here so he made a snowflake path that he uses to carry them into his house, but Scott was not going to let them stay in his house so he went to ask his villagers to let them stay and Scott found someone named Amber who was happy to take them in.
So Scott used the same kind of magic to bring them into her house "thank you for letting them stay here also if they wake up pls tell me" the woman nodded as Scott went out the front door 
Scott didn't know who they where or how they got here but one things for sure they are not from here.

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