What you can find in the forest part 2

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Katherine was sitting at a long dining table when she heard footsteps and saw that the children she picked up earlier where awake "Oh hello there can i know who you are"
 they turned around to be greeted with a smile the children exchanged looks until the blonde one said "why should we tell you anything" "I'm tubbo he's Tommy and that's Lani" the little brown haired boy said the blonde shot him a mad look but before he could talk the lady said "Well I'm Katherine ruler of house blossom and the protector of the overgrown"
the blinked at her in confusion "ruler?" Lani said "Queen ruler whatever you wanna call it" she giggled "Now would you like some food i think your hungry" she said pointing to the long dining table that had some heart shaped cookies and cups of tea they went to sit and Katherine placed some cookies on 3 plates and pushed it to them and poured some tea for them all and gave it to them the Lani and Tubbo took a bite and not even a second later the where eating them up "what's in it" Lani asked "  "probably poison" Tommy muttered, Katherine looked at Tommy with a smile and said "well my friend loves to bake and cook and this was a present she gave me once i just made the tea" Tommy looked at both Lani and Tubbo who where to busy eating so he took a bite and eat it as well.
when they were done eating Katherine said "Well would you like a tour of the overgrown" but before they could reply she grabbed them by the hand and took them out of her castle this was when Tommy, Tubbo and Lani realized that they were not on the ground they where in a castle that was floating hundreds of feet in the air and without warn Katherine just jump off "KATHERINE!" Tubbo yelled as they all ran the the edge of the floating piece of land then a body went flying up in the air it was Katherine she was flying with wings.
before they could question it they where thrown off there feet by some vines and up in the air they went only to be caught by a floating bed of flowers Katherine started to glide down to the ground "fun every time" she said as she spun around as they looked so dizzy "why would you do that" tubbo said stuttering on each word "i'm just glad I didn't drop you" Katherine replied "DROP US?!" Tommy yelled "moving on" Katherine said trying to change the subject "what" they all replied. it remained silent for a while before Katherine grabbed their hand in excitement and pulled them to a big patch of grass that had tiny buildings every where a few tiny buildings where "WELCOME TO BABY TOWN" Katherine said with sparkling eyes "baby town?" they said in confusion she didn't tell them she just ran towards a little building in the middle they just followed her into said building which sort of looks like her kingdom but smaller "what is this place" Lani asked "i told you this is baby town" Katherine replied "well no shit" tubbo added and immediately got a jab in the stomach by Lani "what I meant was what is the purpose of this place" Lani asked "well in reality it's for my own pleasure but i really use it to keep all my friends empires in one tiny patch of grass" Katherine said "and this small building is mine also is where i keep all my allies which is everybody" she added pointing to a white wall that had names "your friends with 12 people?" Tommy pointed out "well you see i'm a very neutral person i like to stay away from conflict and we've come very far no wars and peace people are still chaotic but no wars so that counts" Katherine said with a smile "must be nice to live somewhere were wars don't happen often" Tubbo said.
Katherine turned around "what do you mean" she asked "to put it short don't ever trust a green teletubby" Tommy said Katherine burst out laughing "green teletubby" she said trying not to choke on her own words "yep it's hard to explain" Tubbo said "and a long story" Tommy added "well i would love to hear your story after all i have nothing good to do right now" they all looked at each other not very sure if they should trust her after all cause after what they've been through they've never judge a book by it's cover

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