13 Wally West

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A week after christmas Joe was showing Wally around CCPD and Iris was there as well. "So that's my office upstairs is the anti-crime and and CSI lab, which is where Barry works. Hey captain" Joe says "I want you to meet someone, this is my son, Wally"

"Hi Wally you know your father is quite the detective"

"Obviously not" Wally says and Joe feels a little disheartened.

"Well uh nice to meet you Wally" Captain Singh says with a warm smile and then walks off.

"Anyways I'm glad you're here Wally" Joe says

"Me to I've always wanted a baby brother" Iris says

"What about the white shadow?" Wally asks

"You mean Barry, he's just running around a lot" Iris says

"Why don't we do a family dinner" Joe suggest and Wally is reluctant to go but agrees.

At star labs Cisco is going on about his one sided battle with the turtle. "Who is the turtle" Barry asks and Cisco asks Caitlin to explain.

"He's Cisco's white whale" She says

"So half whale, half turtle" Barry says confused

"No, see what you've done Caitlin know everyone's confused" Cisco lectures

"Get to it" Harry says annoyed

"when we were looking for the Reverse Flash I found these robberies which seemed to be committed at high speed tell me what you see" Cisco says and presses a button on the remote. It was a video of the turtle commiting one of his robberies.

"So he's stopping time" Caitlin says

"No the time code is still running, he's slowing everything around him and that is why we call him turtle"

At CCPD Barry went to go tell Joe about the turtle. "How did everybody know about the turtle before I did?" Barry asks

"Cisco's got a whole list of unidentified meta's the boys are calling him Cisco de la mancha" Joe says and Barry laughs

"Hey are you good? you seem jittery" Barry asked Joe

"A little anxious, I'm nervous about dinner tonight with Wally" Joe says

"Come one why are you nervous, your like the best dad ever, he'll see that" Barry said with a smile on his face.

"All right, I got to go, you coming tonight"

"Wouldn't miss it" Barry said and Joe left

Barry, Iris and Joe were waiting for Wally at the west house for dinner. They were all silent when Iris finally spoke up "I think he's not coming"

"I'm sorry Joe I know this meant alot to you" Barry says

Joe then thanked Iris and Barry for showing up and went upstair to get ready for bed. Iris then starts cleaning up while Barry sits silently on the couch. "Hey you've been quiet all evening you alright?"

"Yeah just a lot on my mind" Barry says

The next day Barry walks into Star labs and sees Harry, Caitlin and Cisco at work. "Hey, any news on turtle?" he asks

"I think we found our next target, Central City Museum is hosting a special black tie event tonight show casing the 'crystal ball', a famous painting which is loaned to the museum from the Silverberg family, one of them said that it's return of the painting means more to us than all the money in the world, It's like their begging turtle to rob it." Cisco says prepared to catch his nemesis.

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