Chapter 34: The rock must be broken!!!

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Moonstar(me): whuttdup derps and today's chapter's gonna be long and I might've got some idea's from @Flameheart on his/her book called Worrier Spoofs and I got some ideas. So, this chapter, Flameheart is kinda the owner here.And this chapter I will choose about 5 ways to break the highrock.AND ALSO NO ART IS MINE!!!!! So, hope you enjoy!!!! And I'll poof out now! *poofs away*

Fernstep: Now, let's break the rock!!!! Our first idea is.......*pulls out a slip of paper out of no where* Eat the rock...? Well, ok Imma end up in the med. den for weeks :D

Later at the highrock......

Fernstep: now.. *puts a bib and grabs knifes* And oh!!! Moonstar gave me the ability to eat rocks. But she says it lasts only 2 hours. So, lets dig in!!! *eats eats eats*

 15 min later......

Fernstep: ahhh that's gud. *burps*

Firestar: *walks in * hey Fern- AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY HIGHROCK HAS DISSAPEARED!!!!!!!! WHO TOOK IT???????

Hollyleaf: *points to Fernstep* him.

Firestar: *bursts with anger* I WILL KILL YOU FERNSTEPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fernstep: *screams and runs into the time machine I gave him and sets time 15min ago*

15 min ago.....
Fernstep: well, since I time travelled that means my time of eating rocks have refilled. Ok, now the next one is..... *pulls out a slip of paper out of no where* Bring the Hulk? Oh I know. HULLLLKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Hulkcat: wut?

 Fernstep: break the rock.

 Hulkcat: sure.*smashes the highrock*

Fernstep: OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hulkcat: bye my work is done.

*smashes the highrock*Fernstep: OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hulkcat: bye my work is done

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Fernstep: Now gotta time travel again!!! *gets into time machine*

Some minutes ago.....

Fernstep: *get out of the time travel machine* Ok now next.....*puls out the slip of paper*  Put kittypet food on it then Cloudtail comes and eats the food AND the rock. GENOUIS!!!! *places kittypet food on highrock then whistles* CLOUDTAILLLLL COME GET YOUR KITTYPET FOOD!!!!

Cloudtail: oh boy!!!! *eats the kittypet food and the rock* chomps chomps hmmm.........Tastes like bread with kittypet food!!!!

Firestar: CLOUDTAIL NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Cloudtail: *eats all already* Yes, uncle?

Firestar: *plops down and starts crying in dirt*

Cloutail: don't worry uncle. You can find another rock!!! I can't resist the mixing flavor of rocks and kittypet food.

Fernstep: Now, I must time travel AGAIN to do the fourth one. *time travels*

A few minutes ago....

Fernstep: So, this is my own idea. So I know alot of you guys know How To Train Your Dragon right? So today I maneged to borrow and use one of Grimmel's Deathgripper named Bobby(A name I made up for one) for this episode!!! Who's a good boy?? You are you are!!!!

Bobby: *pants like dog*

Fernstep: c'mon pour your toxic thing on the rock!!!!

Bobby: *shoots some toxic on rock*

Fernstep: you'll get alot of treetos on this one bubbby. *gives treat*

Bobby: *finishes putting it's toxic or venom thinggy*

Fernstep: FETCH * throws the bag of treats back to Grimmel*


Fernstep: uh-oh. *heads to time machine*

Some min ago.....

Fernstep: Alright guys, this is our final way to destruct it. Ok lets get on with it......*pulls out a slip of paper* Show the clan this spoof and the get really mad and try to break the highrock. Ok good thing I have a book :D. THUNDERCLAN CATSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HERE TAKE A COPPY Of @Flameheart 's WORRIER SPOOF BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! *throws the book at their faces*

*Everyone in clan reads*


Spottedleaf: SO AM I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hollyleaf: *destroys highrock and soon the whole clan joins in and helps her break the highrock*

Firetstar who didn't get the spoof book: NOOOOOOOOO WHAT ARE YOU BUFFOONS DOING???????? FERNSTEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW YOU'RE BEHIND THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS *chases after Fernstep with a chainsaw*

Fernstep: *runs in time machine just in time*

At the REAL time........

Fernstep: Ahhh.........Home sweet home!!!!

Firestar: I've been waiting.....

Fernstep: umm.........ughhhh........uhhh

Firestar:BANNED FROM LIFE AND CLAN!!!!!!!!!!!! *chases Fernstep with a frying pan, the most affective weapon of all wonder why they don't use frying pans to war....*

Ways to get banned from Thunderclan!!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu