Chapter 55: Tigerstar did it better

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Firestar: Let's congratulate Lionblaze for killing a badger and saved Thriftkit!!!!!

Clan: *cheers on and on* Lionblaze! Lionblaze! Lionblaze! Lionblaze! Lionblaze!

Fernstep: Booo.......Tigerstar did it better!!!!

Firestar: excuse me? *hops off the highrock* WE DO NOT SPEAK OF THAT NAME NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT THE CODE I MADE!!!!!!!!!! SEE?????

Code: We do not speak of the name Tigerstar anymore.

Firestar: and for doing this huge crime, I shall ban you from the clan!!!!!!!!!

Ways to get banned from Thunderclan!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat