Glossary of Terms

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For my favourite Kidlets,

I've had a couple repeated requests for a glossary -- I'll try and include relevant terms in my author's notes in the future, as well as consolidating everything here...

If I missed something you wanna know about -- let me know!


Aertisian Terms

Bridge: A mental bond created through emotional connection and physical touch. They can be created intentionally or unintentionally and can fade with time or neglect. A Bridge emotionally tethers individuals and allows them to share feelings in tandem without the exertion of Will.

Empathy: One of the divine gifts given to the royal decedents of Gan. The Power of Empathy is the ability to palpably sense the emotions of others in the vicinity. This ability is more subconscious and the inactive pair to Influence. Empathy can be blocked with practice and Will power but it is more difficult in the presence of a Bridge.

Erosa: The Aertisian god of harvest, emotionality, and sexuality.

Erosa, the palace of: The capital of Aertisia, the seat of the king.

Formal Address: To speak to someone of noble rank or with respect. They are addressed by their title and in third person so as not to be presumptive and insinuate an intimacy that would be inappropriate.

Influence: The second of the divine gifts given to the line of Gan. The Power of Influence the the ability to control or manipulate the emotions of others through force of Will. The level of influence can be increased though eye contact, physical touch, and emotional connection in the form of a Bridge.

Informal Address: Used to speak to someone of equal or lower station by their names and in second person. It is considered the height of rudeness and insubordination to speak to your betters in such a fashion.

Jaque: Son of the king and queen, The Jaque, heir presumptive.

Jaquelle: Daughter to the king and queen.

Mater: Mother in Aertisian.

"May the sun ever shine upon your face": a typical greeting and blessing of the Aertisian people.

"May his/her spirit rest": A blessing used after a person has passed away as a sign of respect.

Pater: Father in Aertisian.

Sight: The third and final divine gift. A mental Bridge to the gods that may be used to access glimpses into the future. Visions are often subject to deliberation on their true significance.

Terus: The Aertisian god of justice, reason, wrath, and the future.

Cluvani Terms

Abba: Father in the language of the Cluvani, alternate: Baba

Aunti: Aunt, used to refer to anyone your mother's age or older.

Cousin: Used to refer to kinsmen -- no matter what kind -- third, removed, whatever.

Ibhere: The central clan, the clan of the king; named for the spirit of the same name. Members of Ibhere include, O'rian, Zaire, Kena, King Oktavi, Queen Tavia, and others. Iibhere, plural.

Ihamba: Members of the Cluvani who have no clan status. They are nomadic as they have no lands of their own to settle and are not under the authority and protection of one of the clans, and are considered of a lower class than those of the clans and clan families.

Jhak: Son or daughter of the Lord-Protector of the Cluvani

Khadi, Fort: The capital city of the Iibhere and government seat of the Council

Mfondin: 'My dear cousin' in the language of the Cluvani; an affectionate term, used to address kinsmen and friends.

Snakes: An insult and slang term for an Aertisian, originating from the aspirated sound of their language.

Uman: Mother in the language of the Cluvani; shortened to Uma

Uncle: Used to refer to anyone your father's age or older.

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