Chapter 20 | Slim Chance

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"This is madness!" the Jaquelle insisted. "Kena, you must drop this notion at once."

Kena bounded down the staircase to the front entrance. "It's brilliant."

Only the Iibhere occupied the wide courtyard, helping the latest arrivals dismount from their horses and carrying their bundles into the fort.

Breath clouded around everyone's mouths and bright voices cut through the fragile stillness that felt like a prelude to dawn.

The jaquelle had to pick up her skirts to keep up with Kena's longer gait, but Kena was pushing through the small crowd of her cousins, taking ground faster than Rosalyne ever could.

Rosalyne slipped after Kena's wake, desperate to stop her from doing whatever foolish thing had gotten into her head. She felt the pins in her hair loosening and dropped her skirts to shove them in their place. Her steps slowed and she forced her shoulders to relax. She wrapped her shawl more tightly around her shoulders, hoping the dark lavender wool would let her bleed into the shadows between the paving stones; let her pool between them, more silent than rain that didn't seem to phase.

Kena reached Jhak O'rian and grabbed his arm to whisper in his ear. And although Rosalyne couldn't see it, she felt his gaze flick over his shoulder to her. It stalled her feet and she stood, crowd flowing around her as Kena whispered something else to her cousin. Rosalyne felt the jhak's heart jolt. Anger pressed up against his throat and Rosalyne wound her fingers the tasseled edge of her shawl.

Her feet slid forward again, eyes and mind shuttering away any doubt that dared slip into her expression. She would greet the jhak politely — perhaps not too formally, given that they had last seen each other only some hours before.

But the jaquelle halted again when she was a few paces from the jhak. As she had approached, someone else clapped the jhak loudly on the shoulder.

Jhak O'rian turned and his whole spirit lightened. The pair embraced, the stranger clasping the back of the jhak's neck, thumping him on the back with the other hand.

Kena jumped forward excitedly and greeted the man after the jhak. She took his hand and started speaking lowly, and gesturing back to where Rosalyne stood.

The man's eyes flicked over to Rosalyne. His eyes met hers with an analytical curiosity that made Rosalyne want to shiver.

The sinking moon made him luminescent like a spectre or a dream. The man was stout. Still taller than Rosalyne, but built like a buttress. Two large plaits curled over his shoulders and ears where he was greying at the temple. The shaggy cowl slung over his shoulders was silvered white, blending into the mail over his chest.

Then, like someone helping her slip out of a cloak, she felt the trepidation slip away.

Rosalyne shivered as she approached, forcing her fingers to stop making knots with the woolen threads.

The pale light caught on the man's teeth as he smiled. "You must be the infamous jaquelle."

Jaquelle Rosalyne curtsied. "Protector Dolion. It is my honour."

"Ooh-hoo, you are impressive. Is it just me you've singled out or do you know everyone's name?"

It was said with a laugh but Rosalyne thought she could sense a suspicious coil in his tone.

Rosalyne straightened and lifted her head. "Only those I feel are important enough to warrant it."

Protector Dolion barked a laugh but after looking to the jhak (who shook his head with the subtlest of movements), flicked his eyes back over Rosalyne. "You are exactly and completely contrary to what I expected."

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