Chapter 33 | Calling Trump

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Dolion jumped forward to stop his daughter but his Influence, too wrapped up containing O'rian and the Ibhere, could not stop her in time.

Zepona struck her bare fist.

Rosalyne accepted the hit and swiped at the girl's face but Zaire parried, catching her wrist.

The girl's ferocity flickered with confusion, no doubt sensing the triumph bubbling through Rosalyne's skin.

Confusion fused with pain as it ricocheted back from the punch she'd had thrown. Zepona reeled back, swinging wildly at Rosalyne again, only for the pain sear her own skin.

Her eyes blurred with tears and Rosalyne shoved her off, the girl still clutching the phantom pain in her jaw.

She looked up wild eyed as Rosalyne got to her feet.

Rosalyne clicked sympathetically at the girl. "Never been struck in the face before? Your vision will clear eventually."

"What — how did you do that?" Zepona groaned.

"Me?" Rosalyne smiled. "My lady that was all you. Didn't your Baba teach you how to control it?"

The girl swung to her feet, rubbing the pain away. She hesitated to strike again and circled Rosalyne instead. "Control what?"

Rosalyne mirrored her with a sad tilt of her head. "Influence."

"Ponii! Walk away."

Zepona looked over at her abba, feet already moving to obey, as Dolion bolted toward them.

But Rosalyne could feel her curiosity. Her confusion. The girl didn't know the power in her fingertips. Dolion was an idiot.

"You have magic," she spoke quickly, "the kind that makes others help you. Be kind to you. Listen to what you say. Believe you when you lie. Know how others feel all the time."

Zepona's eyes widened and Dolion roared with rage, leaping toward Rosalyne.

Rosalyne didn't move fast enough, and Dolion tackled her to the ground. The impact shot pain through her like a blades between the ribs.

Dolion lifted her up and slammed her back into the stones. "Keep your forked tongue away from my daughter!"

Rosalyne laughed choking a bit on the blood from when Zepona struck her. "Finally come to finish what you started?" Rosalyne worked a snort out of her aching lungs. "What attempt is this? Third? Gods, you are the worst assassin I have ever heard of."

"Baba," Zepona whimpered, edging away.

Dolion hesitated at his daughter's cry, and Rosalyne slammed her forehead into Dolion's nose.

Pain shot through her scalp, but she was able to scramble back, feet catching on her skirts.

The Ibhere roared behind them as Dolion's grip loosened.

Dolion panicked, allowing Rosalyne to scuffle further away as he turned to re-secure O'rian.

The giant Ibhere shuddered and collapsed, writhing as O'rian fought control.

Rosalyne tried to rise to her feet, crying out as pain shot through her ankle. "Stop. You'll break his mind!"

Dolion didn't break his stare. "Then release him."

Rosalyne gasped as she tried to take a step forward. "He's under your control not mine."

Dolion scoffed. "How many people are you going to let die in your place, eh?"

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