Chapter 28 | The Jack of Hearts (part ii)

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The oak doors shut like a thunderclap behind Rosalyne.

O'rian noted Yared, dazed against the wall, stiffen at the sight of Rosalyne.

O'rian patted her shoulders, "You stay here -- Yared, make sure she doesn't go anywhere."

Yared opened his mouth to protest and O'rian stepped up to him. "What are you? Stand up."

The warrior jumped to attention, nodding.

O'rian sighed again and checked Rosalyne over, fingers hovering over the blood stains, his eyes, her dark shadows, "Behave yourself."

Rosalyne gave him a petulant salute to his back as he disappeared into the councilroom. As soon as the doors were shut, she allowed Yared to lead her down the hall to a small alcove with a bench and instructed her to sit until O'rian returned for her.

Yared rocked forward on his toes once, twice and glanced at Rosalyne with a furrow in his brow. "Was that really Ox's son?"

Rosalyne glared at him. "I didn't lie if that is what you are asking."

Yared pursed his lips.

She tucked her knees under her chin, gathering her extra skirts as they spilled over the seat and onto the floor. "What will the council do -- do you think?"

Yared narrowed his hooded eyes, heavy brows covering them in shadow. "Exile him -- strip him of his names. To be outside of a clan is to be no one."

Rosalyne tilted her head. "And you do not disagree?"

He tucked his hand in his belt, fingering the silver buckle with an absent-minded attention. "Those who do not abide by the clans are clanless and not protected by them." His mind, as far as Rosalyne could perceive, matched his words. He was grieved, but nothing else.

Rosalyne drew further into the alcove, "I admit, I am surprised you are not angry with me."

This surprised him in turn, but then he wrinkled his nose and took a step back. "I... I heard the rumors."

Shame flamed in Rosalyne's face and she groaned, unable to bury it. Her head dropped to her knees. "Oh Terus, take me now."

"Kena told me actually."

Rosalyne snorted. Did everyone know? She had thought it more limited to the servants' quarter.

"She was livid." He raised his voice to a higher octave, "'She has every right to castrate that pig - and I'd help her.'"

He concluded his terrible imitation of his sister with a sheepish grin. "Her words." The grin faded and he scratched his ear. "Can you really make people go mad?"

Rosalyne cringed, the memory of her hand on his neck made the inner voice of Euphemia shudder.

"That was poorly done, Cousin Yared, you have my apologies." She wrapped her arms around her knees, hair falling around her shoulders, and picked at a hole in the bloody lace.

Yared let out a puff of air and perched on the other end of the bench. "You're different than I thought."

Rosalyne let out a self-deprecating chuckle. "Probably didn't expect me to attack guards and storm council meetings."

"You also protect your people - I heard you in there and yesterday. Plus--" He shrugged again, gripping the edge of the stone and leaning forward. "O'rian likes you - which has got to be a family-spirit-ordained miracle."

She lifted a finger. "O'rian doesn't like me. Tolerate, perhaps."

"O'rian is... O'rian — but where he leads, people go."

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