Chapter 19 | Hit (part ii)

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Cluvani mealtime was an opportunity for anyone and everyone to speak on business or general pleasantries.

It was beyond comprehension to Rosalyne that she couldn't so much as hear the king, let alone follow the subject of conversation that he dictated.

Rather, she was expected to converse with her neighbours, Kena and a Manzantsi cousin to whom Rosalyne had yet to be introduced, and who was currently in a stimulating discussion about honey bee cultivation with her other seat partner.

Which left Kena.

Rosalyne scolded herself once more — she knew these games better than anyone, there was no excuse. At least none that smothered the little twinge of hurt and betrayal she felt. Which was the greater folly! There was no reason she should have expected her loyalty.

Rosalyne had done nothing to earn it. Not like she'd earned the love and respect of each one of her ladies.

She needed to stop thinking about them.

Dys would say it weighed her aura.

The jaquelle wished Clovis and Lucas were here rather than eating with the servants after the family.

Jhak O'rian's eyes were on her. Rosalyne could feel them; feel his awareness of her and concern which he tried his best to bury — and guilt.

She considered his offer that morning with all that she now knew about her lord-betrothed. It changed nothing. Not her intentions — only her meathods.

But she felt her eyes drawing upward like a compulsion of Influence to meet his gaze. The contact made their Bridge tighten with clarity. The war of duty, honour, and affection raging within him. Their chaos met in the middle with a crash, ricocheting back and coiling together like a rope.

Jhak O'rian's face jumped but he held her gaze, and Rosalyne could almost feel the warmth of his fingers again, settling over hers.

She swiped at the chord stretching between them and it shattered like crystal. The warmth vanished and Rosalyne felt the cool comfort of ice slipping through her veins to the tips of her fingers.

Her mind finally quieted, the screams settling into a muffled echo.

The final course of their meal was interrupted by horns.

A few of the Iibhere and Maanzansti present whooped and jumped from their seats to rush out the door. Even the king and queen stood with Protector Ruct and made their way through the tables and out the main doors.

Cousin Kena got to her feet and held out a hand to Rosalyne. "Would you like to come?"

Dys ran up behind her mistress. "What is happening?"

Kena pointed vaguely in the directed up the mountain where the sound of the horn had come. "Friends have arrived."

They made it down to the lower courtyard before the jaquelle spotted her servants pushing against the flow of the crowd to get to her. More accurately, Lucas was shoving Clovis forward as the latter apologised in Cluvani.

Kena raised her hand over the head of the crowd and waved them over and grinned down at the red-faced Clovis when he shook Lucas off. "Impressive, I don't think I've ever heard someone trip over themselves so efficiently."

Clovis hissed under his breath but didn't dignify her comment with further response.

Lucas didn't relax, even after he deemed his charges in perfect health, but growled at anyone that stepped too close to all three ladies.

Kena pursed her lips at Lucas when her cousins started giving her berth. "While this guard-dog impression is charming, I don't require it."

Lucas blinked at her for a moment and bowed low. "Apologies your ladyship. It was not my intention to offend."

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