Chapter 25 | Misère Ouverte (part ii)

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Lucas had been cleaned up before he was brought before the Council the next evening. His dark hair fell around his face like a shroud and his arms hung heavy with chains as he was forced to his knees in the great hall.

The tables and cushions had been cleared but there were still marks of the festivity that now seemed like they were of a different world. Banners still hung from the ceiling, the dais had been shoved to the far end of the room, and Protector Dolion's final arrow still stuck into the tapestry by the door; all forgotten or dismissed in haste.

Rosalyne had not slept.

When her husband had finished and rolled away, she'd shoved her night gown back down to her ankles and waited for his silent sobs to still into a stupor.

She'd slipped from their bed, replacing her discarded robe and padded out to the main room, settling by the fire until Dys returned with Clovis and an armload of books and papers.

They kept their voices low, careful not to wake Rosalyne's bridegroom sleeping off his drink and bruises in the next room.

The jaquelle spent the next several hours pouring over the books of clan law that Clovis brought with him, dictating notes to Clovis or Dys.

Clovis supplied any details he could about criminal proceedings. He had gathered little — only that Lucas was to be brought before the council as soon as possible. Protector Asida of Naitani — M'alak's aunt — was calling for answers. Aala, his wife, had to be forced into bed for the sake of her baby, little Lupta in the care of the other Naitani.

Clovis whispered that since Lucas was not a member of Naitani nor Ibhere, the entire council had to be involved as a Cluvani affair. Any and all witnesses that wished to come forward would be granted the right to speak before the protectors and elders present.

Lady Dys lit candles even as the day brightened, erecting a make-shift shrine to Terus, god of justice.

Dys had not spoken much, preferring to save her words for prayer. Even as she groomed and changed her mistress out of her nightgown and reapplied her paints, Dys whispered pleas under her breath.

The jaquelle elected to escort herself down to the great hall, convinced that the council would seek to keep her away if they could. But Rosalyne knew she had every right in their law to be present, woman or not.

Clovis whispered notes to her the entire way down to the main hall, balancing a tome, quills and a sheaf of papers under his good arm. The litigation was preceded by a notation of all present and an acknowledgment of their purpose, accusation laid, and the appointment of roles.

When they entered the hall, Rosalyne spotted Jhak O'rian next to his abba, dressed in the same tunic as yesterday. It seemed someone else had gotten little sleep.

As more arrived, Rosalyne glanced around the room but noted her husband was absent. As new and tremulous as their marriage was, she still would have preferred him at her side to lend her what little authority he could.

To solidify her place among them.

But as with everything, Rosalyne stood alone. It wasn't the first time, nor, she expected, the last.

Poise, wit, and Influence. That was all she needed.

Dignity, Euphemia always reminded her. Maintain dignity.

Rosalyne resisted an inappropriate snort. Her dignity had more than a few tears in its dress.

She flicked the thoughts away as the king called the room into order.

Protector Dolion was appointed as interrogator for this hearing, and asked Lucas to come forward.

He folded his hands in front of his middle, voice gentle and without inflection, he asked, "Do you speak Cluvani?"

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