Chapter 3 - Andromeda's wills

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October 14th 2001

Teddy was sitting there, with a werewolf plushy on his care, not really understanding what was happening, just knowing that his grandma was sleeping and she was going to sleep forever, as Uncle Harry stated.

The weekend came and the funeral too, the same people that visited Andromeda lifeless body during the last 30 days finally could have some clouser looking at the coffin being lowered in its designed place, under the soil. A little gathering happened after, to let friends and family feel a little more understood, they were al sharing the same pain.

"Can i have a little sandwiches?" Teddy was running around delivering his shy 'hello's' asking people to pass him food from the high tables. He just happened to ask Narcissa, pulling a little on her green gown to try and get her attention, He knew who Narcissa was, his Uncle Ron told him to beware of that woman and his son Draco, but Aunty Ginny was always quick to save the little guy telling him that Narcissa was his grandmother's sister and that there was nothing to be afraid.

Narcissa looked down at his great–nephew, she gave him a little smile before picking up a small triangular sandwich and crouching down at his level to give it to him. "Here you go young one." The child thanked him and the woman ruffled his hair a little. Teddy took his leave jogging to his uncles, aunties and cousin James.

"They despise us so much." said the woman with a somewhat sad voice, looking at the pair of couples paying attention to the child.

"Ronald mainly" replied Draco looking in the same direction.

"Can u blame them mother?" Asked the blonde son looking at the facial expression her mother was wearing, a little sad, a little numb, a little sorry.

"I guess not." She stated.


October 7th 2001


And i leave the custody of my nephew, Edward Remus Lupin, to Jane Mary Davidson, with the hope that she will accept the responsibility and be able to take care of him materially and emotionally.

For them i also leave my savings in the bank registered on my nephew's name, i leave Jane Mary Davidson in charge of keeping the amount safe until the child gets of age.


It was all written, black on white, or better say yellowish.

"This doesn't make sense..." Confused af Jane read again the whole parchment but nothing changed, not that she was dumb enough to believe anything would change in the first place.

"We are as surprised as you are, i mean we all knew she liked u very much, but this..." Said Hermione opening one of her hands that was sitting on the table to express disbelief.

"I need time to get my head wrapped around this..." She said folding the parchment. Silence fell for a while in the room, Arthur and Molly sipping calmly trying to not get into the convo. But Ron had to ad something and Harry couldn't stand it too much.

"Jane. Is you or the Malfoys, they are the only family he has left, i don't want him to end up like Harry in a Dursley kind of situation." Jane looked at the red head with her serious look, making him gasp a little, Harry spoke up breaking the tension.

"That was very rude Ron you know what happened the day they left, i don't blame them for what they did."

And Ron didn't have time to reply because Jane was tired of hearing him talking bad about people, she had already decided how to proceed with the matter.

"I will have a meeting with the Malfoys and Harry to see what's the better option for Teddy." She folded the parchment in the middle and stood up, harry looked at her with is usual confused face. "Why me?" he asked, this was the reason why he was not sorted in Ravenclaw. "Because you are his godfather." Explained Hermione sighing, she and Molly stood up too, starting to clean the table and all. Eventually everyone started to help and soon later everyone was getting ready to go to sleep.

"Came on lil champ, is time to go to sleep." Jane could hear Harry sweet voice cuddling the little James Sirius Potter. He brought him up in the room to put him to sleep, crossed Jane on the way, she was standing there on the stairs.

"Goodnight." they both said to each other.


October 14th 2001

"Doesn't the weather today reflect the emotions we all have?" Jane asked to no one really while watching the grey sky outside the window, from the living room of the Burrow, she was alone inside, watching all the people under the big top seeking some emotional solidarity. She wasn't like that, she liked drowning alone on herself, at the end she was her only motivation, her only rock, her only reason to go on, even in confusion and helplessness.

"My dear, poets would understand you more than you think." A steady and kind voice startled the young woman making her turn around and take the splendid Miss that just entered the room with his son following. Ms.Malfoy was stunning even with the few almost invisible marks of time on her face, a mix of blond and black hair falling on her appropriate for the event dress.

"I wouldn't call it poetry Ms.Malfoy, many culture associate weather with emotions, even in the modern world is used in kids illustration to express better the mood of the story." Jane said, watching out the window for the last time seeing Harry coming up to the building. Narcissa smiled amusingly at the come back, she had a feeling of knowing the girl in front of her but she really couldn't put a hand on it.

"Harry told us you had some important matters to talk about." she hinted taking her gloves and hat off, Draco helped with her jacket before taking his own jacket off too. Jane looked at him, eyes eyes crossing again, like that day, four years ago, nothing sparkled, but comfort ran through them, she looked at Narcissa again.

"Yes, he'll be here in a second and i will explain shortly what is happening." the two guests nodded, with their thing on their hands, and Jane was quick to be accommodating.

"Please let me put your jackets and hat up behind the door, i don't expect for this meeting to be long, but is probably not gonna be short either. You both can sit at the table, i started making some tea and coffee. Better to have more choices then to stay without a hot beverage." She started to sound like Molly a little and she was pretty much laughing at herself, thankfully Harry came in.

"Here i am, sorry, Ron held me back for a while. Did you start already?" Harry asked in a whisper for only Jane to hear. Looking at the Malfoy's starting to sit down he didn't need an answer.

The pair set in front of them, they had chatted about tea and coffee, then about Andromeda and her relationship with Narcissa. But the small talk was dying down, and Draco spoke, probably for the first time since the conversation started.

"Can we address the elephant in the room please?" He asked, not too kindly but not in a offensive way, he just didn't like small talks. he wanted to know what was happening, why were they inside the Weasley's house.

"Right..." replied Jane fulling understanding why he interrupted so firmly the conversation, everyone could probably feel the awkwardness in the dinning room/kitchen.

She stood up, went out of the room, and back in with a folded parchment. She opened it on the table facing it towards the Malfoy's so they could read, Andromeda obviously left nothing for her sister and her heir so the two blonds were a little bit confused.

"It's her testament, why are you showing it to us?" asked Narcissa, her name wasn't on it, she knew, or she would have received a letter after her sister death.

"Under 'Custody Of Edward Remus Lupin' it's written that Andromeda desire is that her nephew has to be left under my care." Jane said sitting again and sipping at the only hot chocolate she made.

"Sorry, are you bragging about it?" Asked Draco in probably one of the rudest way she ever heard him speak, but again is not like she ever had a real contact with him other then passing by each other in the corridors at Hogwarts and her telling him to run away after Harry resurrection.

"Draco watch your manners please." Narcissa slapped, with her leather glove one of the two hands of his son that were resting on the table. "Sorry we don't understand what you mean by that." said the mother saving the offensive reply of his son.

"I wanted to talk to you about it, we know what her last wishes are but since I'm in charge of it... i want to see who between the three of us can take care of Edward."

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