Chapter 5 - Stubborn Ronald

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October 21st 2001

Ron wasn't really ok with the decisions Jane took a few days before. He didn't bring it up the few days after the funeral to not seem insensitive to the tragedy but...

"You had to go engage with them? Out of all people that may help you, you went to the worst people." Ron could be represented with so many words, and Drama was one of them. He never did a good job on cooping with his emotions even less pride. He was genuinely trying to manage them but time and growth were always needed in this occasions.

"If u can't see my reasons and how right i am for choosing them out of everyone else, look at it like this way, Ms.Malfoy has the time if i ever need her to take care of Teddy-" Jane started saying to defend her decisions. "There's my mom for that!" Ron cut her getting a little raged, Hermione put a hand on his shoulder and he recovered himself. "They also have money to spend..." Concluded Jane. "If it gets out of hands i'm still the legal guardian i can cut connections with them. Besides, don't you think they would have taken him if they wanted to corrupt him or some shit?"


October 31st 2001 Halloween

Narcissa and Jane, decided with the help of Astoria to have a little party at the Burrow. With Molly's permission of course. It had taken a while but at the end using the festivity of Halloween to try and have a small connection between families was the best option possible. 

"What better day then Halloween, the day we mask up and all and try to be something we are not?" Said Jane days prior to this one and the two Slytherins were completely positive to the idea. Convincing Molly was less easy but with a few explanations about how Jane wasn't thinking about using the inside of the Burrow, but rather the big top they used for special occasions, Molly gave in and at the end she reveled to be as exited as the other three witches were.

"They are going to be her in a few hours" said Jane leaving a bag full of costumes on the coffee table in the living room and picking up Teddy from the ground, securing him on her embrace. 

"Please everyone get ready." She begged looking mainly at Ron but addressing everyone.

"I don't understand why we all have to be dressed up as monsters or so, we are not children anymore." Complained Ron searching for his Monster of Frankenstein costume.

"Because u are still 21 years old and you are allowed to have some fun." Replied Molly searching for her prop, for her Jane prepared the Old Hag costume.

"I think is quite funny and interesting, the theme is muggle's costume, i am really looking forward to see if your brothers and the Malfoy's managed to find something fitting." Hermione was already dressed, she had Jane help her half an hour before the 'getting ready together' moment. On her was a beautiful dress, kinda like Ron's but with a gown that wasn't too skin tight, her hair were up all black with a few strips white. She really looked like the wife of Frankenstein.

"Blimey 'Mione you look great. Am i going to look that good too?" Ron asked at Jane, pointing behind himself, at his wife, with his thumb.

"I thought you didn't want to dress up for halloween." Ginny teased picking up her vampire dress out of the bag. Ron made a mocking face and stock his tongue out for a split second to try and get back at her. Molly saw him and hit his shoulder lightly to make him concentrate on his task. Jane just giggled.

"Hewe." A little voice could be heard up the stairs, followed by little slow thuds. James ran in the living room looking like a little vampire, with his skin white and bluish and pretty clothes.

"You look terrific my love." said Ginny sitting on the sofa looking at the perfect make up on his first born son. Harry wasn't skilled at painting, but for sure could manage a little make up.

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