Chapter 7 - Winter time

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December 10th 2001

Snow was falling slowely on the roads of London. Number 12 Grimmauld Place was the nicest place to stay during the winter to celebrate the Chritstmas holidays. The roads there were populated by children having snowball battles and building snow men. Hearing children have fun outside made Christmas more happy at every scream of excitement from behind the window.

The Weasley's and Potter's made it a tradition to meet at the number 12 Grimmauld place for the holidays, to Harry surprise Sirius left the place to him and now the Chosen one and Ginny lived there. They rinnovated the house, finally got rid of the mean painting of Walburga Black, Sirius's mother.

"I want to go outside too." Said Teddy with his eyebrows furrowed trying to look serious, he was looking outside the dinning room window, at the kids playing around. He wanted to meet them muggles, play with them. Jane faked being surprised putting a hand on her hand.

"Young man, i told u that if u want to go outside we have to be there before the other kids come out. We don't want you to look sketchy." She said in a baby voice and tickled him a little. Teddy ran away laughing trying to find his cousin to escape his guardian. Jane had no time to follow him, she was wrapping gifts in colored papers for everyone in this family. She even made three for the Malfoy's.

"Tell me again why you didn't invite them here." Asked Hermione coming from the corridor with two hot chocolates, leaving one beside Jane before going around the table and sit in front of her. Hermione was getting bigger rather slowly, she had until may to get to the right shape, on the other hand the morning sickness was starting and Jane was very awake every morning if Ron ever needed help handling the situation.

"Astoria is due next month, i didn't want to stress her and the others out, if she doesn't travel is better, she will come another year eventually." She shrugged. Jane was so sure Astoria was going to stay alive after her son birth, she could tell by how the looks on the former Slytherin girl got lighter, happier, more colorful every time they met. They've actually met a lot this few day, Teddy was so happy to room around the big Malfoy Manor, Jane couldn't make him calm down in any other way then bringing him there. Thankfully Astoria loved their presence, being with Narcissa or alone most of the time.

"You know, i understand why you are doing this, i tried to tell Ron, he hears me but has a hard time understanding it." Hermione said putting her hot chocolate aside and helping her friend wrapping presents.

"Do you still have a crush on Draco?" She blurted out really fast Jane almost didn't understand the question, bloody habit of a journalists.

"I-." Jane left a embarrassed laugh.

"I never had a crush on Draco ew." Hermione lifted a eyebrow smirking at her.

"You know i saw you at the Yule Ball 5 years ago. You were running out of the great hall on your blue hells, your skinny dress with a slit on the side and transparent arms." She said laughing lightly.

"I didn't know how you could run in such a fine way with those heels on, but when i got inside i understood why you run away." Jane looked at her confused, she hadn't talked about having a crush on Draco... like ever.

"What do you mean? I run away cause it was late, 'Snape is gonna take 50 points from my house' kind of late." Jane tried to play dumb, she needed to know how Hermione came to the conclusion before admitting that she was right.

"Draco stare didn't say the same thing when i entered the room. He was so confused, he heard u dashing outside, he probably didn't even recognize you." Hermione told sipping at the last bit of hot chocolate she had left.

"He did look kinda of taken aback, he must have thought you looked nice." She winked at the girl in front of her and Jane shook her had with a smile.

"I did indeed have a crush on him in 4th year, but than i got with Dean, had another break up and for the time of our 5th year i fell out of love." She confessed, she managed to fall out of love just because that was the year Draco managed to be the meanest person, siding with Umbridge, a cruel woman with such old fashioned way of teaching, even abusing ways if she really wanted to speak the truth. The 15 year old Jane of those day nearly puked at the thought of feeling affection for a being so selfish and egotistical.

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