Chapter 6 - Old days

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October 31st 2001 Halloween

"What?" Jane asked, turning her head towards Draco, coming back from her zoning out, she heard what he said but she wasn't really paying attention.

"Why are u doing this?." Draco asked copying her gesture, turning his head towards Jane, looking her like she was some crazy person on a crazy task. Kinda like Harry and the lovers couple a few years ago, hunting for horcrux, crazy as suicide mission.

"This what? The wanting to help Astoria and all? i already told you why. I admire Astoria and her charming nature, i want to help her live more years then the doctor a St.Mungo predicted." She replied scanning Draco's face, she could recall why she had a crush on him in their 4th year, bag in 1994.

"You have no business in this, you are not gaining anything from this." He started saying, Jane was so quick to follow.

"Do i? You sure get something out of it." She sounded pretty enigmatic, but for a former Ravenclaw it was just kinda of a game to be like that.

"I do?" he asked, but Draco wasn't someone you could play mind games easily.

"Don't you?" She asked back, hinting a smile Jane was a hell of a good player. Draco wore a confused/mad expression at the little mental trip she shoved in his head, she laughed silently.

"You asked, i delivered."

Draco didn't like being put in a spot like that, he didn't like this slow circling around the prey kind of conversation, he huffed a 'goodnight' and went up stairs to go change and finally sleep in his loving spouse embrace. Jane waved at him offering a smile to replace her goodnight wish. That's how she made it 7 years without being noticed too much from other students, or bullies like Draco was.

Jane stayed down stairs a while longer, sitting on the sofa, she had been having trouble sleeping for the past 3 years, her job in the muggle world as a newspaper designer/journalist wasn't helpful, a pretty hectic field the one she worked on. Even more difficult now that she had a child to take care of, she needed to find something less stressful and less time consuming. Stress keeps her awake most of the time.

Little foot steps could be heard coming down the stairs, Jane leaned on the side to try and see who was coming down, and a child yawning his tiredness out appeared from behind the wall.

"JiJi" he called with sleepy tears falling down his puffy cheeks.

"No nana?" He asked coming up to her and laying his head on her thighs. Jane ruffled the kid's short curly hair and picked him up so he could cuddle on her. Teddy was a little smaller then he was supposed to be at three years old, but nothing out of the ordinary, it sure was easier for Jane to hold him when he slept and if he ever needed to have a relax moments on her arms.

"Yes, nana baby, let's go nana." She said patting him and rocking a little so the kid could fall asleep again. Teddy now knew that Jane was his new family. Her and Harry had a little chat with him, explaining to him that Nona Andromeda asked Jane to take care of him, and that Jane was now part of her family in some way, the little guy didn't full understand how it worked, he just believed his Nona and even if he didn't know Jane he could feel that she was a nice person.


Dicember 25th 1994

That year, due too the occasion of the Triwizard Tournament, the school was packed during Christmas holiday. Why? Because the Yule Ball was coming up and everyone over 13 years old was trilled to participate. Jane on the other hand was more upset about how noisy this free weeks were going to be.

She had spent all the time in the library, she didn't care about finding a date she just wanted to work on assignments to at least pass the test of the next semester. She was a Ravenclaw yes but she was slow even back then so she needed to work her ass a little more then other people. That's how she ended up at the Yule Ball without a date. Her boyfriend left her as soon as he could set his eyes in a couple of Beauxbaton girls, breaking her heart in the process, not that she was madly in love, they stayed together for only 3 weeks. She didn't take it lightly anyways, for her he was her first love and he fucked up, not only the relationship but also her sleeping schedule, her study schedule and so on. She couldn't give a damn about dates right now, She was a dancer, she couldn't give a damn about dancing alone, she would do better alone then with her ex-boyfriend or anyone else for the matter.

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