Chapter 4 - Guardian of Edward Remus Lupin

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October 14th 2001

"Before we talk about it, is not like i don't want to take care of him, i just want to see who is more qualified, who can give him the most time and dedication." Jane Explained, she was just 21 years old, she didn't know how to take care of a child and looking at all the option was the best thing to do.

"Can't he be a practice for the Potter's and the Weasley's?" Asked Draco. Was he so horrified to take care of his cousin?

The Malfoy's weren't easy to read, cold stone faces. It was so fascinating for Jane to speak or look at them, she has always liked a good brain teaser and analyzing Draco even at school was something she found peace in. Now with Ms.Malfoy she understood that it was a family trait, or better, a trait of the people that thought themselves as better then the common folks.

"Teddy is not 'practice' Draco, he's a child and he needs the proper care, he needs stability not to be tossed around." Said Jane looking straight into his eyes, stare not quivering one bit. Oh if Jane was scary when serious, Draco didn't show it but those eyes made him straighten his back even more then his mother ever required of him. Weren't they familiar tho? He could tell that he saw them at least once, but the memory of the first encounter with them wouldn't come to mind.

"I agree completely with you my dear," said Narcissa catching Jane's attention. "Jane's your name right?" the young woman nodded apologetically because she hadn't introduced herself before. "Are you considering us fit to help on the matter? Are you by any chance aware of the gossips floating around our family?" asked the older woman in a neutral tone. Was Jane aware of those? Fully. She had time to understand what happened in the last 2 years in London and so. But for her it wasn't about them, it was about how and if they were fit or capable of taking care of Ted. Was she afraid they would stuff his head with purebloods ideals and so on? A little, but she had faith they had changed at least a little, considering also that Lucius was now in Azkaban and they had a chance to turn things around.

"i am aware, yes... but it doesn't exclude you from the situation." Jane said. "I need to see every thing ma'am, we need to collaborate here, we are the only family he has left." Ms.Malfoy left a small sigh, she liked the way the girl was thinking, but it wasn't easy to talk about why it wasn't the best option for her and Draco to take care of the child.

Harry got up and explained his reason. "I can't take care of one more child, me and Ginny got another one on the way, so do Ron and Hermione with their first, we are all expecting to keep our jobs, but three kids are too much at the moment." He looked at Narcissa and she nodded, it made sense, they were all past their twenties by now, they had to make decisions for themselves too. Harry excused himself out, bringing up his pregnant wife and two years old child that he had to take care of. So they bid him goodbye.

Silence was present for a couple of minutes, Jane was waiting patiently for the Malfoy's to talk, she was good at waiting, at school she would stay up entire nights looking at the stars and pointing out how they moved, Because star are always moving, like everything in the universe. Draco broke the silence. "I'm expecting a child too, i mean me and my wife." Jane nodded, she heard about the rumors, and she knew Astoria form her divination class so she kinda understood she had a thing for the blond, tall attractive boy.

"She... Astoria. Her family has a blood curse, and we are trying to keep her alive for the birth and eventually, if possible, even the years after." he continued looking everywhere but Jane, Ms.Malfoy putting a hand on his son hand for comfort. Draco really loved Astoria, she was for now the best joy he ever had in his life, and their son was going to be the next one, he was sure of it, but as blessed as he was for it, a curse that ran through the Greengrass family had to make it hard for him, like his life was never difficult before then.

"We need to take care of her, it would be difficult to take care of Edward too. I'm sure you understand the gravity of the situation." Narcissa said, scanning Jane's face looking for compassion at least, but she hadn't found only that, also sorrow and sadness. Was she sad?

"I understand completely." Jane folded the testament and offered a hand across the table.

"I'll take care of Teddy." she said opening her hand on the table.

"But i wanna offer my help to you if that's alright, i'm a hundred percent sure that Teddy presence would help Astoria have a more positive mind about the pregnancy and the labor in the later months." She stated. For being a Ravenclaw she was kinda of foxy and sly, Narcissa looked at her hand and then at the girl, up and down, oh she could smell something was up, nothing bad, but who would want to engage with the Malfoy's after the war? She couldn't see it yet but the girl in front of her already helped them during the battle, she just looked different, almost three years in another place can change a person, even more if the people trying to recognize her hadn't seen her for the same amount of time.

"What's the catch?" asked Draco suspicious, like his mother he could feel that there was another side of the coin, he was just way more blunt then his mother.

"I help you with Astoria, you help me with Edward. Don't get me wrong, i don't want to turn this into a bargain-" she was briefly cut of with a: "But u are." coming from Draco. Jane explained

"But. I'm not, is a win win situation, for real, i care about Astoria, i knew her when i was younger, i know she's a sweet girl, she fought for ideals that were just jokes for past generations and she deserves every good thing in life." but her Slytherin side came up, the sorting hat had told her she had it in her.

"While i help you with Astoria, you help me taking care of Teddy. As i said, his presence could be helpful for Astoria and having him being with his family can be beneficial to him and to me, giving me an occasion to not have a 24/7 hour watch on him."

Narcissa mouth lifted in a little smile, she looked at the hand open on the table, considering taking it, she really found this girl amusing, smart and sly, but caring and present, not naive. Draco opened his mouth about to say something but he shut up seeing his mother taking the young woman hand on the table. 

"Mother..." He said in disbelieve.

"I'm ok with the terms dear. We can talk about this again the next time we see each other, if that's alright with you. We have a after funeral occasion to grace our presence with, and you have a kid to take care of." Jane eyes widened when Narcissa's hand accommodated itself on hers, they shook their hands lightly and Jane nodded. "I'll wait for a letter, let's stay in contact."

The two women in the room stood up and with a smile and a little chatter got ready to re-join all the family and friend under the big top leaving behind them a confused Draco. What just happened? Did his mother smile just now? she wouldn't smile out of Malfoy Manor. Was the girl using a spell on her? An imperio perhaps? He got up, dressed end left the house reaching them, Jane was still with his Mother small chatting and Teddy came up.

"JiJi look someone gave me another sandwich." the small child was jumping more then happy at the thought of the delicious snack in his hand. Jane laughed a little. "Good boy, this is the last one ok?" She said helping him stand up on a chair so he wouldn't need to bend his neck so far back to look up at people's faces.

"Promise! Hi i'm Teddy, you gave me a sandwich today."

Problem Solver - Draco x OC (reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя