The Memory

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It all happened 10 years ago...I was only 6 years old. But I remember it like it was yesterday...

The world I live in has many different kingdoms. At one point, they were all the same kingdom called the Rainbow Brigade. 

But I'm getting ahead of myself. I lived in the Hetero Kingdom, as almost every other queer person does at one point or another, and my birth parents didn't want anything to do with me so into the orphanage I went. The Hetero Kingdom naturally has an overpopulation problem, so the other kingdoms volunteered to adopt children that might belong to their kingdom anyway in the future.

Back then, if a child showed any signs of being queer themselves, they'd be taken to their assigned kingdom and that was that. 

As for me, I think it was pretty clear to everyone that I liked girls. I used to get crushes on almost every girl that I'd play with on the playground, I liked collecting flowers, I hated boys, and I LOVED rainbows. The only indicator that didn't come across that I was a lesbian was the way I liked to dress. I loved to wear dresses and skirts and I liked to feel pretty.

One time I even stole my caretaker's lipstick and eyeshadow and I put it all over my face. I remember saying to the caretakers when they found me: "Don't I look pretty?" and twirled around in my dress.

But anyways, when it was time for me to get adopted, I was told that I was going to be adopted by a lesbian couple. I didn't know what they meant by lesbian, but I was happy, nevertheless. 

Didn't know what to expect but I had no idea that I was going to be adopted by ROYALITY. The first moment I saw my new moms I instantly loved them. The one of them that I'll never forget is my mom, Queen Connie. 

Queen Connie was a remarkable person and mother. She and my other mom Queen Stephanie spoiled me rotten and showered me with love each and every day. I loved her with all my heart...Which is why I'm sad to say that she was sadly murdered all those years ago whenever I was only a child.

6 months had gone by since I was adopted by new moms. Life was great in the Lesbian Kingdom. Everything was peaceful...Until that night.

It was a warm summer night. I had woken up to a large blast noise coming from outside. I jolted up from my bed in shock. I ran over to the window and saw that our kingdom was being invaded. 

In panic, I ran to my moms' room to warn them. Whenever I got to the door, I noticed that the air felt different than normal. As if there was this menacing presence nearby. I slowly creaked open the door.

Standing over my moms' bed was a man draped in shadows holding a bloodied knife. There was blood covering the entirety of the bed.

Just about when I was going to let out a scream, someone had grabbed me from behind and ran with me. It was my mom, Queen Stephanie. She ran down the stairs with me in her arms and I remember asking her; "Mommy Steph, who are these people and why are they attacking us?"

She replied, rather rushed: "They're the Hetero Kingdom, Lola. They're attacking us."

"But why? What did we do to deserve this?", I asked.

My mom stopped then at the corner, catching her breath. "I don't know, Lola. I don't know. But, whatever the reason, it can't be good."

I processed that for a moment and then asked: "What about Momma Connie?"

My mom looked at me with a saddened expression in her eyes and turned away. I didn't realize it at the time but, looking back, I think she had turned away to cry. She didn't want to appear weak with me at the moment. She wanted to make sure that I was okay, she didn't have any time to be sad over her wife's death.

My mom then ran around the corner, down the stairs and out the door. There was fire everywhere we looked, and our panicked citizens were running for their lives.

The Hetero soldiers saw us and shouted, "There's the queen and princess! Get them!"

My mom ran through the blazing flames of our used-to-be kingdom with me in her arms and didn't look back. As she ran, she used her super strength to pick up as many people as possible and others did the same.

As we ran through the gates, my mom put me down and told me to run with all the others into the woods. 

"But Mommy!", I cried out, bawling my eyes out.

"Go!!", she yelled.

Someone had picked me up from behind and hauled me off. All the while I was watching my mom.

My mom then jumped up and smashed the stone arch that led to the gates and ran towards the woods with us. I sighed in relief. I had thought that that was going to be the last time I saw her ever.

Hours went by as we ran through the woods, and we finally came to a halt. My mom decided that that was far enough for us to run and that we would rebuild our kingdom there.

My mom tried and tried to contact the other kingdoms to warn them of the attack, but she didn't get any response. I'd grow up to realize the reason why.

Within two weeks, our borders were set up and we rebuilt the entire kingdom and life went back to being normal again.

And now, here we are.

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