The Gay Kingdom Bound

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Lola stared up into the starry night sky and sighed. She had made camp in the middle of the woods. She had a fire blazing, her sleeping bag folded out and food roasting by the fire. She was, for the moment, set for the night.

She dug into her backpack and retrieved a map and unfolded it. It was a map of the land and all of the kingdoms. The closest kingdom was Gay Kingdom off to the east near the coast. It was supposed to be the exact opposite of the Lesbian Kingdom she had heard. No women. Only men. She shivered at the thought at first but if they were supposed to be gay then she supposed that there would be any of them trying to get with her or anything.

She refolded the map and put it back into her backpack and listened to the fire crackle and the crickets chirp. She ate her food, yawned, and snuggled into her sleeping bag. "Good night, mom", she said with tears in her eyes, "I hope you don't hate me for doing this. I love you." And she closed her eyes to sleep.

Down near the southern part of the woods Lola's mother stared into the night's sky in a daze.

"My queen", Samantha said, regaining her attention, "are you alright?"

The queen shook her off. "I'm fine, thank you. You can go on ahead of me, Samantha."

"Are you sure?", Samantha asked, concerned.

"Yes. I'll join you and the others in a moment", the queen said with a smile.

Samantha hesitated then nodded. "Okay your highness", and ran off with the others.

Queen Stephanie began staring into the sky again and she held her hands together tightly and prayed. "God, PLEASE don't let anything bad happen to my little girl. Amen."

She then made her way to the other lesbians in the woods.

When daybreak had hit the horizon, Lola blinked in the bright light of the sun, her pale blue eyes shining bright in the light, and rubbed her eyes. She sat up in her sleeping bag, yawned and got up.

She prepared some food, ate it, and made her way east, towards the Gay Kingdom.

While on her way to the Gay Kingdom, something large blocked the light. At first she thought it must've been a cloud. But whenever she looked up she saw a dragon!

She quickly ducked behind a tree. Then she noticed there was a person riding the dragon! "Heeya!", the person shouted.

The dragon dove down into a large clearing of trees and Lola heard a loud thud. She ran to the clearing to see the dragon snapping its jaw at the person on it and the person slid off of it a drew their sword. "HA! Is that all you've got, stupido!?"

It was a boy. Around her age maybe older. Fighting this huge dragon all by himself??? Man, it's no wonder her mother said girls live longer than boys because of all the stupid stuff they do.

The dragon blew fire right at him. The boy held up a shield until it stopped. "Ha! Little did that do you!"

It was until then did Lola notice the cape he was wearing. She scrambled to dig out her map and unfolded it. She looked at the Gay Kingdom's flag and looked back at the boy. It was a match!

If only she could talk to him. Then she got to thinking. If she were to help him with his dragon situation, maybe he'd take her to his kingdom!

Lola sprung into action. She had no idea what she was doing, but she did it anyway. She ran across the field, drew her sword, jumped up and cut off one of the dragon's horns. She rolled back onto the ground next to the boy who was shocked to see her.

"Who are you??", he asked.

"I'm Lola, Princess of the Lesbian Kingdom", she had time to say before the dragon swung it's tail at them and they ducked. "You?"

"I'm Cedric. Prince of the Gay Kingdom", he said then they both jumped when the dragon slammed it's tail onto the ground. "What's a princess doing in the woods this early in the morning?"

"I don't know. What's a prince doing in the woods this early in the morning?", Lola remarked.

Cedric smirked. "Touché, malady. I'm supposed to fight off this dragon. It's been a menace for my people and it keeps on rampaging around here."

"Well there must be a reason for it's rampage right?", Lola asked.

"Perhaps. Dragons are usually calm and gentle creatures. This one's acting like it's in some sort of pain somehow", he explained.

The dragon roared loudly. As it did, Lola noticed that a tooth of it's was colored differently than the others. That's when it hit her: It's tooth was the cause for it's rampage!

"It's tooth!", she said as the roar ended.

"It's tooth?", Cedric asked, confused.

"Yeah! It has a rotten tooth in it's jaw! That's why it's on it's rampage. It's in pain", she stated.

"Well, how do we do anything to help it then?", Cedric asked.

Lola scoffed. "Leave that bit to me." And she sprung at the dragon using her super strength and kicked it in the jaw, making the rotten tooth fall out. The tooth fell to the ground as Lola landed.

The dragon shook it's head and looked around, as if wondering where it was, then it flew away.

"Wooooah!!", Cedric shouted, "That was awesome, Lila!"

Lola shook her hair out of her eyes with a nod. "The name's Lola. And thanks. You were pretty awesome too."

Cedric ran over and picked up the part of the dragon's horn and the dragon's tooth. "Do you mind if I keep these? Y'know. As like a keepsake?"

Lola looked at him, confused, but then said, "Ummmm, sure. Why not?"

Cedric mouthed "YES" and said, "Y'know, you should come over with me to my kingdom. My dads would LOVE to meet you."

Lola thought to herself: I'm IN. My plan worked! And said, "Yeah sure. I'd love to."

"Great! Follow me!", Cedric bounced happily and Lola followed along.

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