Within the Hetero Walls

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"Keep on going you freaks!", a guard said as he nudged a colorfully dressed queer wearing heels, a dress, and a full face of makeup.

There was a whole line of them all in handcuffs and there were all dressed in eccentric outfits that had all been outlawed by the Hetero Kingdom. Hell, it was even illegal to openly support these kinds of people. Let alone be one of them.

Lindsay stood within the crowd of angry, hate-filled people there watching them take the queers away. The others were spitting on them, calling them names, and just overall being rude and violent towards them.

In her mind she didn't see what the big deal was. They were just being themselves and loving who they wanted to love. There was nothing wrong with that. In fact it seemed rather normal to her.

But she would NEVER admit that out loud. Lease she be outting herself to her entire kingdom.

She sighed and began walking away. She walked down the sidewalk on her way home but she couldn't get her mind off of what had happened a couple of nights ago at a friend's house.

Her friend Hannah and her were both playing a game of spin the bottle with some of their other guy friends. And it was Hannah's turn. "Okay whoever it lands on I have to kiss!", Hannah said, kind of drunk and out of it.

The boys laughed and Lindsay just nervously laughed.

Hannah spun the bottle and it landed on Lindsay. All of them all went "Ohhhh!" and Hannah said, "Oh Lindsay! Come here and give me a kiss!"

Lindsay nearly choked on her drink but swallowed it and said, nervously, "Oh. Okay."

Hannah leaned in and puckered up her luscious, red lips. Her long blond hair softly draping over her shoulders. Her eyes closed, revealing her beautifully done eyeshadow.

Lindsay leaned in but hesitated. Why was she suddenly so nervous about this? She felt sick to her stomach. It was just a kiss. A simple kiss between gal pals during a game of spin the bottle. She had kissed guys before during this game and it was no big deal. Gross, but no big deal nevertheless. So why was this suddenly such a big deal?

Hannah laughed sweetly. "I'm still waiting, Lindsay."

Lindsay was frozen in place. Sweat dripping down her face. Just do it! She screamed repeatedly in her head. Then she tilted her head, leaned forward and kissed her.

The sensation to her was incredible. Her lips were so soft and she tasted so sweet like cherries. She didn't want to stop. She wanted to keep on going. Maybe even...

No! She thought as their lips parted. She sat there blushing and ran to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom was when she realized for the first time: Oh fuck I'm a lesbian.

She heard a knock on the door and jumped. "Lindsay?", Hannah asked, "Are you alright in there?"

Lindsay was still blushing like a beet. "Yeah I'm fine. I think I have to go home now. It's getting really late."

"Oh okay", said one of her guy friends, "Do you want me to drive you home?"

Lindsay frantically shook her head. "No thanks. I'll walk."

"Are you sure?", Hannah asked, "It's quite a long ways to your place."

Lindsay waved her off. "It's okay. I'll be fine on my own."

"Okay then. See ya later, bestie!", Hannah said.

Those words rang in her mind for several days. Even still now as she was walking home.

She hasn't told a single soul about that night with Hannah. And if anyone were to figure out, she'd be fucked over. Her family would surely disown her, she'd face public humiliation, and be thrown in prison. Just for kissing a girl.

She tried to shake it off but it still remained in the back of her mind. Ever since the Hetero Kingdom outlawed queers, things have only been getting worse. Queers were being discovered every day and being thrown in jail at an alarming rate. In schools, they're being taught that being queer was a bad thing and that it wasn't natural.

She didn't see anything wrong with being queer at all. It was just how some people were.

Just like her...There were people just like her being forced to live this hetero life. And for what reason? Why? She didn't understand it.

Finally she had gotten home. She opened the door and stepped inside. "I'm home", she said as she closed the door behind her.

Her dad was watching the news holding a beer in his hand, completely ignoring her like always.

Her mom was doing the laundry at a table and smiled at her sweetly. "Hi sweetie. How was school?"

"It was okay", she replied. "Where's Jackie?"

"I think she might be in your room, dear", her mom said.

Lindsay's eyes widened. "Mom! Y'know my room is private!" And she ran to her room. "Jackie! Get out of my room!"

When she opened the door she saw Jackie jumping on her bed but she stopped when she saw Lindsay. "You're home early."

Lindsay huffed and she grit her teeth. "Get. OUT!!"

Jackie jumped off of Lindsay's bed and walked out of her room. "Kill joy", she mumbled under her breath.

Damn right I am Lindsay thought and she slammed her door shut and locked it behind her and flopped on her bed.

She stared up at the ceiling for a moment and sighed heavily. She then sat up and dug into her backpack for something. It's sure a good thing she didn't find this. And she dug out a picture of Hannah and hugged it close. Oh how I love you, Hannah. I doubt you'd ever feel the same for me she thought.

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