Gay Kingdom

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"So you're a lesbian, right?", Cedric asked, curious.

Lola nodded. "Yup. And am I to assume you're gay?"

Cedric smiled and nodded. "Yup! My whole kingdom is!"

" all like guys then?", she asked.

"Yeah. That's the whole point. And you all like girls then?", he asked.

"Yeah. You've got it", she answered.

They both shivered. "I couldn't imagine liking that", they both said and laughed.

"I'm sorry. You're kingdom sounds awfully nice", Lola stated.

Cedric waved her off. "It's alright. And it is nice. I bet yours is nice too."

"It is nice", Lola said with a smile.

A couple of moments of silence passed by before Cedric cleared his throat and said, "Welcome to my kingdom!", as they finally come out of the woods.

Lola gasped. "Wow!"

Along the cliff there stood a castle with a crystal wall that reflected everything. It shone brightly in the sun's light. Along the cliff were docks that stretched for miles at the water's edge.

"Sooooo, what do you think of it? Pretty impressive, right?", Cedric asked with a grin.

"It looks amazing! You guys really know how to decorate!", she said, in awe.

"Yeahhh we know that already", Cedric smirked. "C'mon! This way!", he said, waving for Lola to follow him.

They both walked up to the gates of the kingdom together and Cedric waved down the gatekeeper. "Hey! Anyone there!? It's me, Cedric!"

For a moment, no one came. Then they each saw a head pop out from over the wall. The gatekeeper shouted, "Aye! Is that you, Cedric?"

"Yeah it's me! And I've got a friend with me!", he shouted back.

Lola looked at him with a confused look. "We're friends now?"

"Well we're not NOT friends aren't we?", he asked.

"I suppose I DID help you with that dragon. So yeah. I guess we are friends", Lola joked.

"You mean that girl you have with you there?", the gatekeeper asked.

"Yes! Now lower the gates so we can get in!", Cedric shouted.

"Man, I don't think so. No girl has been here in like a decade or so. Ever since them damn Hetero soldiers attacked the Lesbian Kingdom. God only knows what happened to them. As far as I'm concerned, she could be a spy for the Hets!", the gatekeeper said.

Cedric laughed and waved him off. "She couldn't be a spy for the Hets", then his tone changed to a more serious one, "Are ya?"

Lola widened her eyes in shock. "No! I would never be a spy for those scoundrels! They killed my mother!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that, hon. If it's a true statement and not a lie", Cedric sneered.

"I can prove to you I'm a lesbian!", she said and turned around, revealing her cape, "See? This is my kingdom's flag! I would NEVER betray it."

"Ah! I've seen that flag before! This girl speaks the truth! Come in, princess!", the gatekeeper said, lowering the gates.

Lola turned back around to face the gates and turned her head towards Cedric. "Why were you suddenly suspecting me of being a spy for?"

"Because I live for drama!", Cedric said while in a pose.

"You're nuts, dude", Lola said with a head shake and smile.

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