Dear My Diary Dumb

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Dear Diary, Hi. It's me again, Lindsay. I know you probably get tired of hearing this but GOD I wish I could have a girlfriend without having to go to jail. What do they have against people like me anyways? I don't get it. What's so wrong with two girls kissing? Or two guys? Or people who's gender isn't the binary boy or girl? Sighhhh. I just don't understand and I highly doubt I ever will. But GOD Hannah....I love her with my whole heart. She may never know but that night when we kissed was the best night of my life! I would do ANYTHING to kiss her again.

Lindsay didn't realize it but when she was writing that last sentence, she was blushing like a cherry. She had meant every word she wrote too. She truly loved Hannah and she would kill to just be around her again.

"Whatcha writing about?", Jackie asked, curious, making Lindsay jump out of fear. "JACKIE!", Lindsay shouted, quickly closing her diary, "What have I told you about coming in my room?!"

"Sorry", Jackie said in a sarcastic tone, "I was just wondering what you were doing. Besides mom said that dinner's ready."

Lindsay sighed heavily. "That still doesn't excuse you from always barging into my room whenever you want. This isn't your playhouse or anything."

Jackie grinned. "Yeah I know. I just like to keep you on your toes is all."

Lindsay pushed her chair back, got up and scowled playfully. "You're starting to sound like the old lady now even."

"I take that as a compliment thank you very much", Jackie said with a giggle.

Lindsay smiled at her. "Tell them I'm on my way."

Jackie nodded an 'okay' and ran down the hallway towards the kitchen.

Once alone again, Lindsay put her diary underneath her history book from school and went into the kitchen with the rest of her family. The kitchen was small but quaint with a honey glow theme. There was a small lamp on the wooden table that had four white chairs on either side. Her mother and father both always sat on the left side and Lindsay and Jackie both always sat on the right side.

When she walked in, her mother had just turned back around from getting her teapot off from the burner and turned it off. She smiled warmly, "Hello, dear. Dinner's ready. Would you like some chamomile tea?"

Lindsay chuckled. "Sure mom. I'd love some."

Her mom got two teacups from the cabinet and poured some chamomile tea into them. "Honey, milk or sugar?"

"Honey please", Lindsay replied.

Jackie perked up. "Wait you two are having TEA?? Can I have some? PLEASE?"

Their mother giggled while getting the spoons. "Sure, sweetie. But it'll be hot. Honey, milk or sugar?"

"Milk please!", Jackie said excitedly, rocking back in forth.

"Calm down now, Jackie! I can't focus on reading my paper!", their dad demanded.

Jackie stopped and sat still. "Yes, daddy." Their mother sat her tea on a saucer and on the table and poured milk into it and Jackie licked her lips. Lindsay sat next to Jackie and her mother sat her saucer and teacup on the table with a spoonful of honey in it, then sat down with her own cup of tea across from Lindsay.

"Let's not just sit here with our tummies rumbling, dig in everyone!", their mother said joyfully.

While the rest of them ate, their dad continued to read his newspaper. All was silent instead for the sound of their silverware scraping across their plates and the black cat clock ticking on the wall. Once she was done eating, Lindsay was watching it's tail and eyes darting back and forth in boredom while taking sips of her tea.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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