The Rainbow Brigade

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"What?!", Lola exclaimed. "What'd you mean she's been abducted?!"

Queen Stephanie held up hand to silence Lola. "Calm down, Lola. There must be a logical explanation for her disappearance. Tell us what happened, Samantha."

Samantha takes a deep breath and begins telling her story. "We were on our way to the Asexual Kingdom to get some extra supplies when, out of nowhere, we were ambushed by some Hetero soldiers. I tried my best to stand my ground and protect the queen but, in the end, they had me pinned up against a tree and they took the queen away."

"The Hetero Kingdom...", Lola spoke.

"Indeed...I had a hunch that it might've been their doing", the queen said, pondering her choices of what to do next. "Attention everyone! Listen up!"

The crowd stopped their murmuring and listened to the queen.

"This land is no longer safe for us. We need to relocate to another secret location and fast. If they were last seen heading down south towards the Asexual Kingdom, then we need head farther south near the ocean", the queen stated.

Lola looked at her mother like she had lost her mind. "Are you kidding? We need to reason with them, mom. Maybe if we can do that then they'll leave us alone. And what about the Asexual Kingdom? Shouldn't we help them against the Hetero soldiers?"

The queen sighed. "Listen, Lola. If they wanted to talk, then of course I'd listen to them. But the truth is that they don't want to talk. They attacked us and now they've abducted your mother. They clearly can't be reasoned with. And the asexuals can take care of themselves without our help. So c'mon, it's time to leave." Then she left and Lola was left all alone in the dining hall by herself.

Mittens came from wherever he had been and meowed up at Lola who was now crying. Lola then went upstairs to her room and started packing.

As she was packing, she found one of her old journals she had whenever she had still lived in the Hetero Kingdom. She decided to open it and look at it.

There were several poorly drawn drawings of the girls she used to have crushes on on several pages. She smiled at this sweet innocence and wondered whatever happened to those girls and where they were now. Then she flipped the page to see a rainbow flag drawn in crayon and on it it said: I love the Rainbow Brigade! Lola smiled sadly at it. Wishing to herself that the Rainbow Brigade could be boughten back.

Then a lightbulb went off in her head and she ran to find her mom with her backpack of stuff slung over her shoulders. "Mom!", she shouted, running around the castle. Finally, she found her outside with the citizens. "Mom!"

Queen Stephanie turned to face her; her eyes widened as if she were scared. "What do you want, Lola? I'm trying to keep our citizens calm and you're out here shouting for me."

"What about the Rainbow Brigade?", she asked.

"What about it?", the queen asked.

"What if I brought it back?", Lola proposed.

The queen's eyes widened. "You can't possibly be serious, Lola?"

"What? It's a great idea! If we can get all the members of the other kingdoms to join, the Hetero Kingdom won't be able to fight us back. They wouldn't stand a chance", Lola stated.

The queen sighed. "I've tried for years to get ahold of the other kingdoms to bring back the Rainbow Brigade. What makes you think you can do it, Lola?"

"I'll go to them and their kingdoms and ask. And I won't take no for an answer", Lola stated.

"We haven't talked to any of the other kingdoms in ages, Lola. God only knows what they might do to you. Besides if they had wanted the help or wanted to bring back the Rainbow Brigade they would've said so", Queen Stephanie said, making her point clear.

"I'm not some helpless child anymore! I'm 16 years old! Besides you did just dub me a knight so, therefore, I'm supposed to protect my people. And if this is the way it has to be, then so be it", Lola said angrily.

"What'd you mean, Lola?", her mother asked.

With a deep breath and choking back her tears she said, "Goodbye, mother", and ran towards the gates of their kingdom.

"Wait!! Lola, come back!!", Queen Stephanie cried out.

As she passed through the gates of her own kingdom, Lola hit the button to the gates so hard that it broke, and the gates went up and she jumped off them to the other side.

She took one more look at the place she called home for 10 years, shed a tear, wiped away the tear, dusted herself off and ran into the woods.

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