Question Time

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Benjamin closed the doors of the castle behind him and dusted off his gloved hands. "Now then. Follow me, miss." And he led the way through the kingdom.

Lola looked around to make sure that the coast was clear before she said anything. Question time, mister. "Soooo", she said, gaining his attention, "You're name is Benjamin?"

Benjamin nodded politely. "Yes. Yes it is, miss."

Lola nodded a "hmm" then asked, "And you've been to the Lesbian Kingdom before?"

Benjamin furrowed his brow slightly but answered. "I have. Many times in fact."

Lola nodded thoughtfully. "How come?"

"I....", he hesitated, "I have a relative who lives there."

Lola gawked. "Really? Who is she?"

Benjamin scoffed nervously. "No offense, ma'am but that's private information that I'd rather not speak about."

Then it finally clicked for her. The curly dark brown hair, hazel eyes and pale complexion. "You look like Samantha, the stewardess of our castle!"

Benjamin's eyes widened and he turned away suddenly.

Lola gasped. "You're related to her aren't you? You know who I'm talking about!"

"Please quiet down, please. You could draw a crowd", Benjamin stated and he sighed, "I know who you're talking about.....She's my twin sister."

Lola gawked. "I knew you looked familiar! Why haven't I seen you around before?"

Benjamin sighed and sat down on a nearby fountain. "I used to visit her all the time. Whether on business or on my own time. But...ever since the Hetero army attacked the Lesbian Kingdom, our kings got scared that we'd be next so we built a wall surrounding our kingdom and cut off all ties to the other kingdoms."

Lola made a "hmm" sound and sat down besides him. "And you haven't seen her again since?"

Benjamin shook his head sadly in response.

"Oh", Lola replied, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Indeed", Benjamin said. Silence followed him until he asked, "Although my curiosity does plead me; How has she been doing?"

Lola offered him a smile. "She's been doing good", then her smile faded, "I hope so anyway."

"Because of the disappearance of the queen I presume?", Benjamin asked cleverly.

Lola nodded. "Yes. Exactly. My mom, Queen Stephanie, ordered that we relocate after that."

"Yes, I'm aware", Benjamin nodded, "We received the distress call early this morning."

Lola made a 'hmm' sound then asked, cleverly, "Which brings up another interesting question; If you all still receive our distress calls, why not reply back?"

Benjamin avoided her eye contact and chuckled nervously. "Well I suppose I ran myself into that corner, haven't I? I suppose we owe you an explanation for all of our years of silence."

This is it! Lola thought excitingly. I'm finally going to get an answer!

Benjamin cleared his throat before beginning. "Ever since the attack on your kingdom, we got a distress call from your mother. The operators were going to reply, however, our kings got so spooked by the call that they ordered the operators remain silent and cut off all contact. Over the years we've received many different calls from your kingdom and the others"-

Lola perked up and blurted, causing Benjamin to jump, "Others?!"

Benjamin held his hand close to his chest, his eyes wide with fright. "Yes. The others as well."

"What other kingdoms have sent out distress calls? Do you know?", Lola asked, desperate to get some kind of answer.

Benjamin stood up suddenly, shaking his head stubbornly. "I apologize, miss but", he took a deep breath and exhaled, "I am forbidden to speak about such things. Especially someone who isn't a citizen of my own kingdom. Do you understand?"

Lola closed her mouth and nodded in understanding.

Benjamin nodded once. "Good. Now, let's proceed."

Lola stood up and continued to follow Benjamin through the kingdom. As they approached the gate, however, Benjamin stopped and looked in horror at the sight in front of him.

There were three armed Hetero soldiers, dressed in black armor head to toe, stealing their supplies from various carts.

Lola peeked around his shoulder and mid gasped. "Hetero soldiers!", she whispered, "What're we going to do?"

Benjamin didn't respond. He was rooted at the spot, his bottom lip slightly trembling and his hands shaking in fear. 

When Lola witnessed Benjamin's fear, she knew what she had to do. Lola took a deep breath.

As Benjamin slowly took a step back he whispered softly to himself, "Now Benjamin. No need to panic." Then he saw Lola run passed him and towards the Hetero soldiers at full speed and he gasped. What is she doing?!, he thought, panicking.

Lola drew out her sword and charged at the Hetero soldiers. As she got closer, they noticed her and withdrew their weapons and Lola felt a twinge of fear pull at her chest. The fear of something bad happening to her, what happened to her mother all those years ago, everything.

She shook her head in bitter rage, jumped up and readied to attack the soldiers with all her fury. She had remembered all the pain they had caused for her kingdom and the others and she wanted revenge.

The Hetero soldiers were slightly taken back by this and the other two stepped back while the other one held his sword up to protect himself.

Lola let out a battle cry and her sword shone a bright pink and transformed into a long katana with a severing sharp blade on both sides and their two swords collided with a loud clank and the sound of something breaking, like glass.

The force was so strong that it blew the Hetero soldiers back and onto the ground with a thud, Benjamin protected his balance and face by shielding his face with his arms and Lola flipped backwards in the air and stuck the landing.

Lola huffed and waited for their next move.

When the Hetero soldier sat up, he held his sword up and noticed that it was now in two, with the other half being in his other hand. He looked up at Lola, who was standing with a fearless look in her eyes, and he looked back at his comrades, who had vanished, and he dropped his weapon to the ground and pleaded for mercy.

Benjamin uncovered his face and gawked at the sight in front of him. Wow! What a remarkable individual!, he thought in awe.

Lola stood there with her sword still facing the now lone soldier. "If you know what's best for you, you'd leave here and never come back."

The soldier frantically nodded.

"Also", Lola boomed, causing the soldier to flinch, "I believe you stole some valuable goods that weren't yours to begin with. So return them.'ll end up just like your poor sword there."

The soldier hastily dumped out his bag's contents, stood up and booked it to the gates.

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